We spent the weekend in Rogers with Mark's family. All three boys had basketball games so we thought it would be a great chance to see them play and visit. The weather was beautiful and we had a nice drive up on Friday afternoon. The kids are good riders as long as we turn the TV on... it's a treat for them because we don't keep it in the car all the time. We also love to listen to Cooper watch the movie, "Cars" because he gets so excited and anxious during the movie. It's hilarious and never gets old for us!

For months before we last visited in November, I listened to Kamdyn talk about her Uncle Stephen throwing her into the "cage." I never knew what she was talking about until we were there at Thanksgiving and realized she was talking about Daisy's dog cage in the kitchen. Apparently, this threat uh, I mean teasing, was a regular dialog between her, Mark, and Stephen on the phone.
Before anyone calls DHS on me about this picture, let me just say that Cooper crawled in the cage on his own without any of us helping. He did this in November and it was the first place he went when we arrived Friday night. Makes me want one of these for my home!!! My camera was messed up so my pictures are not great, but I think you can get the idea.

Cade, Mark, and Daisy... I know Daisy was ready for Cooper to leave. I think she spent all weekend hiding from him. He absolutely LOVES dogs and has no fear of them, but can be a little rough (just like he is with the girls!).

Cade and Kamdyn sitting at the top of the stairs. I love listening to Cade because he doesn't make any bones about the kids getting on his nerves or bothering his stuff!

Cahl, Cade, Mark, and Cooper shooting hoops before their game on Saturday....

Maybe I have a future star on my hands...

If you've seen Cooper in the gym at church, you know he loves to be right in the mix of things no matter how much bigger the kids are than him.

This is Quentin at his game. As you can tell, he is much taller than most of the kids on his team. The high school football coach stopped him after the game and told him to "keep growing." We're all hoping for at least one future UA star in the family.

Kamdyn sitting in Papaw Sonny's lap during Q's game. She entertained herself with her Leapster.

Here are all the kids (minus Q) laying in Aunt Carla's bed watching Batman Saturday night. I teased her that being around my kids would squelch any urges she ever got to have another baby!!

Cooper watching Q play XBox... he followed the boys around all weekend long. Again, my camera was messed up so I didn't get very many good pictures like I wanted to...

Without me knowing it, Mark's brother replaced the milk in Cooper's sippy cup with Mtn. Dew for the ride home Sunday. Although Cooper went to sleep very easily that night, he was up at 4 a.m. having a party in my bed. Next time that happens, we're calling Uncle Stephen so he can join the party!!!
All in all, we had a great weekend! It was nice to get away and visit. Thanks, Carla, for putting up with us!!