Mom, Jodie, Donna, and I went to Fayetteville to Jamie & Tara's for War Eagle last weekend. We went for the first time last year and decided to make it an annual event. Now if truth be told, War Eagle's a little too craftsy for me but we always seem to find something regardless. This year, Jodie found a fabulous chair for Kylie's room (oops! I think that's a secret, but I doubt that Kylie reads my blog)...

After War Eagle, we headed to the John Q. Hammonds Center, which is usally where we spend a lot of time. It always has some more modern things and great stuff for the kids. I got Kamdyn the cutest zebra outfit there. My mission for the weekend was to buy myself a new purse and I found this one in Springdale on Saturday. Mission accomplished!! It's much cuter in person! (I just took this picture of it hanging on my office door)... and the girls will tell you that we looked at TONS of purses before I found this one.

We continued the shopping at the Promenade, Toys R' Us, and lots of other stores. Sadly, I didn't buy one Christmas present. I think I think too much about the presents and wait to find just the perfect one.... that's why I'm always shopping like a mad woman on December 23!
It was so fun to hang out with Tara, Jamie, and Aidan. Aidan even let Kay Kay and I take over his room for 3 days. Here he is with Chloe...

I love this picture! When Jamie asked Aidan what he looked like with his hat turned like that he said, "I look like a rapper!"

You know how Mimi loves big bows on Kamdyn... I'm surprised she didn't buy this one for her too.

The double-mint twins modeling the newest Hogware....

Aunt Jodie promised Aidan she would bring him some cake home on Saturday. Since we weren't anywhere to get cake, she bought him this Spongebob sno-cone maker. Just what every parent wants for their kid! LOL!!!

It took all three of us to fill that little cup up with crushed ice. It was a workout for sure. We decided it would be easier if Spongebob were screwed onto the table and didn't slide everywhere. We joked that somehow Jamie would rig that up so it was possible!!

The Martin's... Mom insisted on taking their picture before we left. Tara wasn't too pumped b/c she still has her pj's on.

The shoppers.... this was taken Sunday morning right before we left so we are tired and dressed in our casual clothes for the ride home.

I must admit that I felt a little guilty at first leaving the kids all weekend, but we had the best time and I really think I needed the time away. Besides, the kids went to see Papaw in Heber and had a great time as well. Kam always makes me feel good when I get home though. She asked me how my trip to Fayetteville was and then told me how much she missed me!