Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Back in Black"

Here is a video of Kam singing a little "Acey Dacey," (AC/DC) as she likes to call them at the party....
Mark is so proud! However, I'll be downloading a little more Justin Bieber and Katy Perry on her ipod very soon!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rock Star Party

Kam and I went to Kylie's birthday party at Little Rock Jams on Saturday.  I think I might have a rock star "wanna be" on my hands!    

Kylie, the birthday girl, and the party leader explaining all the fun they were going to have--the girls made groupie posters, got tattoos, had VIP passes, colored their hair, danced, sang..... there was even a DJ!
Kam getting her hair sprayed orange and blue.... she's already asked me to buy some of this paint.  I personally wanted her to get hers done in black and pink to match her outfit but she wanted orange and blue...
Kamryn and Kamdyn....
Bless her heart!  She has my rhythm....Kam could not keep her booty still the whole time we were there!  One of the moms just kept telling me how funny she was!
Group photo...
Rockin' with one of the party leaders....
I think Kam and Kamryn were singing "Back in Black" here.....
I had to laugh because I know Kam didn't know some of the songs the girls were singing. I told Jodie that she has a lot of AC/DC on her ipod, courtesy of Mark.... Kam heard me say that and went to ask the DJ to play "Back in Black" for her....
The party leader came to ask Jodie if she was alright with them playing that there, which totally cracked us all up!  The bigger girls totally stopped dancing when it started playing and were looking at Kam like "what in the world is that music playing?"   Her daddy would be so proud!  Rock on!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Mom and Dad decided to go to Branson on the spur of the moment Sunday and I just couldn't stand it.... I called Dad and asked if the kids and I could go with them.  The kids were still in Heber so I didn't think Mark would go for it but when I called to ask him he said, "I'll meet you in Guy" to make the exchange. 
The kids were not thrilled about shopping and begged the whole time to go to the "RK" (arcade)... and if the trip would have been longer we would have done all of those things. They did get to swim which Kam was thrilled about.  She's a fish when it comes to water!!  The first thing Cooper asked to do was to eat at Starvin' Marvin's....
The boy can seriously put away some breakfast.  The next day we went to Golden Corral for breakfast, which didn't make him too happy at first.   I think he got over it once he got his plate though....
We ran to the red-top mall for Crocs and I tried to get the kids to pose for a picture.
Cooper wasn't having any of it, which eventually resulted in a shove and scraped foot for Kamdyn.  Always drama! 
To prove that, take a look at this picture of Kam's hair stuck in the zipper of my suitcase.  I can't even begin to say how this happened...
Kam normally likes to shop but two solid days of shopping is pushing it for her.  She finally found a book section and did what she likes to do most these days...
It was nice to get away for a few days and do what I like to do best--shop!  It wasn't a cruise or resort, but it was more than I had planned so I was grateful.  We are a little over two months away from our Disney World trip and we are getting so excited!  However, I have been threatening the kids about their behavior and going for a month now.  They don't know that I really wouldn't change my mind about going and I'm using that to my advantage now.  There are no fits and tears at Disney!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Seven Men and a Little Lady

So maybe my title is a little off......Mark took Kamdyn and Cooper to his dad's last weekend for their "boys weekend" with Stephen and the boys.  Mark told me I could go too, but I knew there would be nothing more going on than laying on the couch and watching March Madness all weekend. I decided to take advantage of the time to myself!  

Cooper really didn't want to go because he was afraid his Uncle Stephen was going to call him a "pipsqueak" all weekend.   He really fought me on going but finally gave in and decided he would go....
Kam was very excited about going!  I think she likes being the only girl...
I think a good time was had by all!   I made several observations after the kids left Heber:  1) I don't think Kam brushed her hair the whole time she was gone and,  2) Cooper came home asking to watch basketball and now knows where all the ESPN channels are located.  I was hoping to avoid that for a while!

Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Treat

I made these for Cooper to take to school yesterday...
They were easy to make and turned out super cute!  He was pretty excited and now loves him some Lucky Charms!!

Spring Break is here!

My spring break officially starts in one hour and it can't get here soon enough!  The weather this week has been glorious!!  The kids are excited to be off and I'm hopeful that we will have some fun this coming week.

I promised Kamdyn that I would post a picture of her hair yesterday and brag on how she didn't throw a fit when I did it yesterday morning!  I also have to point out that this is ten hours after I fixed it!!!  
I am loving the longer days.  The kids and I really enjoy going outside after we get home for a while, especially when Braxton and Campbell come play.

The boys played with Cooper's pitching machine last night.  I'm pretty sure this is not how it's supposed to be used....
When Cooper wouldn't share his bat, Braxton just took off across the road to get his from his house.  They both actually hit the ball so we were pretty impressed!  They also hit each other a few times!!!

Campbell found Coop's old four-wheeler and climbed on ready to ride. 
Kam decided that she was going to invite our neighbor to a sleepover so she spent her time writing an invitation....
She has yet to ask me permission for a sleepover....She actually walked over and put it in their mailbox.  I'm sure they will have a laugh out of it.

Kamdyn has begged for Mark to get Cooper's tent out all week long.  We promised her that we would since she went a day or two without any fits.  They have actually slept in it the last two nights....
It looks so uncomfortable to me but they seem to love it.  They put their twilight turtle in there with them and the stars shine brightly!  The best part is that they have actually slept all night in there!  We haven't had any middle of the night visitors so I think I'll let them sleep there as long as they want to!  

This is Cooper this morning....
He woke up on the right side of the bed, ummm, floor, but Kam didn't!  She wasn't so smiley when she finally made it up.  

Happy Spring Break!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


After Kam's meltdown(s) on Monday, we cracked down and put her to bed early both Monday and Tuesday night.  I thought she would lay there forever like normal but the girl was asleep both nights within minutes.  Yesterday, she went to school with CUTE hair and we had no meltdown! 
Mark said she was almost giddy on the way to school!  And when I got to church last night, one of the teachers said she saw Kam walking on the sidewalk that day just waving her arms and moving like she was so happy!  HHHHMMMMM...... maybe we are on to something!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Meltdown #492

This morning actually started out pretty good with the kids.  Kam got up early and had extra time to watch cartoons and get dressed.  I was thinking this might be a drama-free morning.  I was wrong!  Kam and I agreed yesterday at the grocery store that we would make our own 'lunchables' for her lunch....not because I'm cheap but because they are too processed and I think real deli turkey is better for her.  All was well until I showed her what I packed her stuff in....

Apparently, she's too big for princesses now!  I had to remind her that there would be princesses everywhere at Disney World in June so she better get over that now!  And she did....
Mark commented that it was amazing how her mood could change in no time at all.  And it did yet again!!  This time over, you guessed it, her HAIR!!  We made some progress yesterday with the hair and I thought we were on a roll but apparently I took it one step too far this morning... let's just say it got pretty ugly for a bit.  As a result, some little diva will be going to bed very early tonight!!!

Cooper, on the other hand, was perfect this morning--until we got in the car!  He couldn't find his monster trucks and proceeded to throw everything, including our Bibles in the floorboard.  I made him pick it all up and took the monster trucks from him.  If that sounds harsh, we've discussed this issue before and he knows he shouldn't be throwing Bibles and stuff everywhere!  I planned on giving him back the monster trucks after he apologized and we got down the road a little ways.  

Then this happened....
What is this you ask?  Why it's a paper wad.  I guess Cooper thought that would be the best way to get my attention and his monster trucks back....
He didn't stop with just one!  I was talking to Mark on the phone and I told him what was happening.  Honestly, I had to keep from laughing.  It was cute the first time but, as I said, he kept on.  He wadded up some of my work papers and then began tearing a magazine to throw.  I kept my cool, but pulled over at the next exit to spank him. 
He was furious with me all the way to school, which I guess is why he refused to get out there.  I spent a good twenty minutes there trying to get him inside and to class.  People pulled up next to us and he didn't care.... I threatened to spank him on the parking lot in front of everyone and he didn't care.... He was just plain mad!  The good thing is that at least he wasn't throwing things.  I am thankful for that.   By the time we made it in, he was just pitiful.... and I've worried about him all morning long.   

Ah yah yah!!!  Calgon, take me away!  I can't take very many more mornings like today....

My coworker actually saw me on interstate and teased me this morning about how fast I was going.  I told him that my speed was the least of my worries then.... His children are grown and he reminded me that one day I would look back and long for the days of my kids fussing and fighting and being together.  I know he's right.  I should treasure every moment because they grow up fast but, honestly, I'm having a hard time treasuring mornings like this one.  I love my kiddos though and know this will be funny later on....I'm grateful for the joy and blessing they are to my life and that is what I'm going to choose to focus on today!  Will someone please remind me of that tomorrow morning when meltdown #493 begins again?????

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday!  Or is it??  I think my family may be feeling the time change more today than yesterday.  At least their behavior indicates something is up!  I think I'll dedicate another post to this morning's behavior.... 

We had a pretty busy weekend.  Kamdyn had school on Saturday to make up for one of the snow days.  I really thought that I wouldn't make her go but Mark thought she should go at least one of the two (there's another one on April 9).  Six days of school for a kindergartener seems excessive to me, but a certain percentage of students have to show up for it to count.  It was a short day so we sent her.  I saw lots of my friends kids on the playground while I was waiting to pick her up, so my guilty conscience was eased!  She told me when I picked her up that she loved Saturday school!!! They had snow cones and a movie!

While Kam was in school, Cooper and I ran to Hot Springs for a haircut and a few errands.  He really didn't want to go  (it's the weekend so he thought he should be playing the Wii!), but we ended up having a pretty good time.  We picked Kam up and then headed home for a few minutes before Kam had softball try-outs.  It's her first year to play softball and I'm excited about it.  I really wish we had known about this last year instead of her playing t-ball.  

Kamdyn was more interested in the puppy at the field and visiting than the actual try-out.  She is a social butterfly so this season should be pretty interesting. She will be playing with Avery and Kenzie, as well as a few girls from kindergarten.  I am looking forward to getting to know everyone!
We went back to Hot Springs for dinner after practice.  This is Kamdyn listening to her ipod while we wait for our table.  My kids are at this terrible stage where they think they must be entertained 24/7 and that it's my job to do it.  I have real issues with this.  I keep telling them that when I was little we had to make up games in the car and actually talk to people at the dinner table.....

Oh my, Lordy!  I just had flashbacks to my Papaw telling me stories about walking ten miles to school in the snow with a biscuit in a jar. was something like that.  My how times have changed!  

Kam and I went to have some "girl time" on Sunday afternoon.  We went to the bookstore and bought two new chapter books for her and then to get a pedicure and buy groceries.  I wish I had my camera with me while we were getting pedicures.  She took her new book in and read while her toes were drying.  Then she helped the lady massage my legs..... the lady was so nice to her and it was too cute! 

Cooper dressed himself for bed last night....notice the razorback shirt and dinosaur bottoms.
I buy them matching pj's but they never seem to make it on them that way.  And if you think his ensemble is bad, you should see Kamdyn's.  It's almost comical every night when she gets ready for bed.
Are you still here?  Hope everyone has a Happy Monday despite the dreary weather and time change.  We have so much to be thankful for!!! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

2.5 Club

Kamdyn made it to the  "2.5 Club" earlier this week and came home with this certificate (that was oh so wadded up in her backpack!).
I don't know a lot about the AR Club yet other than she reads a book, takes a test, and gets so many points for it.  She is loving the fact that she finally gets to go to the library, check a book out, and bring it home now.  She is now bringing a different book home every day.  I can't keep up with her! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kamryn's Art

I painted this fairy sign for Kamryn's room last summer but forgot to post pictures of it. 
In October, I finally finished the coordinating canvases to go with it.  Jodie sent me this picture from her phone so it's hard to see. They have orange and pink zebra borders.  One is a heart with a scripture around it and the other is a flower with "I am loved" and "I am beautiful" on it.  Although you can't see it here, the fairy canvas has tons of detail to it and turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Graffiti Art

At church on Wednesday night, Aunt Gina was telling me about how someone had drawn all over the walls in the closet in her AWANA room.  The more we talked about it, it occurred to me that it might have been Kamdyn.  I checked out the walls and told Gina that it didn't really look like Kam's doodles; however, I asked Kam after class about it to be sure.  Without hesitation, she said that she did it.   

On the way home, I was trying to explain to her that she had destroyed property and she immediately bursts into tears and screams, "am I going to get arrested?"  I told her that she wasn't going to get arrested but she was going to clean the walls!
We went to church early yesterday evening with our Magic Erasers in hand.  She kept telling me that she was "nervous" and afraid that everyone (including God) was going to be mad at her.  We all laughed because her art did include "we love God" and "peace!"
Turns out that she likes the Magic Erasers.  At one point, she looked at me and said, "this is actually kind of fun!" she really learning her lesson if this is "fun?"
I said I wasn't going to help her but I couldn't help myself.  We'd be there forever waiting on her to get the wall clean!  I kept telling her to put some 'elbow grease' into it!!!
She had fun squeezing the water out of the erasers, which looked more like milk to much fun that she asked me to leave the room several times!  Is this child really learning a lesson?  We ran out of Magic Erasers so we have to go back next week to finish.   We'll see what she thinks then!


It was another pretty low-key weekend at our house. We went to see the Panthers play Bismarck Friday after work.  I got so tickled at Kam because when I told her who Magnet Cove was playing she said, "oh no!  Who am I going to vote for?"  She said the same thing when I told her she'd be playing softball against her Arkadelphia friends this spring.  So obviously we had to have a discussion about how teams win.  Speaking of, softball tryouts are this Saturday....should be very interesting!
We went four-wheel riding on Sunday, minus Kamdyn, who decided she would rather stay with Mimi.  She really just did not want to put on warm clothes and even asked me if she could wear shorts to ride.  That girl and her clothes issues!
We ran into some of our friends and rode along side them for a little while. 

Cooper wanted to get wet, which is no surprise...this is why I made him wear rain boots when we left.
We had to make a few pit stops and Cooper wanted to toss the football that he brought along with him...
He held onto the football the entire ride.  Although it was cold, it was nice to be outside and enjoy a little Mother Nature.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kam's Horns

Mark had to work late last night so he missed putting the kids to bed.  When he came home and checked on them, he told me that I had to come to Kamdyn's room.  I was afraid that something was wrong, but then I remembered....
She went to bed with the bull horns (I call them devil) on.  And even cooler is the fact that they light up.... so when I walked into her room all I could see was red horns!  I just left them on her all night.  I could say so many things about this picture, but I won't.....
She picked these horns out as her souvenior at Monster Jam last month, which I keep meaning to blog about.  She loved "El Toro Loco" and had to have these.  I'm pretty sure she was the only person in the arena with them on.  They are disturbing to me on some level but she loves them and begs to wear them to school all the time.  Can you imagine the call I would get from school if I let her? 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can't Hear You!

I took Kam to school one day last week and as we were pulling in the line, she began to whine and cry about not wanting to go to school because of her friend L.  It was something really silly like she got a sucker and Kam didn't and she teased her about it... you know how kids are.  So I went into the "you just treat others the way you want them to treat you" speech and that didn't seem to work either. We were nearly to the drop-off point so I said, "well just ignore her then."  I really didn't think that would work either.....
But Cooper chimed in and said, "yeah, just ignore her like this...." and then preceded to cover his ears and in a sing-song voice say, "I can't hear you!  I can't hear you!"
I burst into laughter and Kam did too!   She said, "that was funny, do it again!"  And Cooper was happy to oblige!   Whiney mood and crying all forgotten and she got out of the car laughing!  Thanks, Coop, for the comic relief!