Bird Boy
Last week was Spring Break. Our original plan was to go to Branson for a few days, but the weather got cold and nasty and we decided to just stay home. We took the kids to the zoo one day and had a great time. I have many more pictures to post, but I don't want to overwhelm everyone at once!
So our first stop at the zoo was the loriket cage. The kids were excited and both said they wanted to go in, which was a little surprising to me. Cooper did his "Twinkletoes" dance, which you'll see below. He does this dance anytime his feet hit the floor. I'm hoping the boy will learn some boundaries one day because he is getting too big for me to carry!
Mark paid $1 to get the juice to feed the birds and Cooper told him he wanted to feed them too. By the way, this bird actually bit Mark's finger... I told him that's what you get for sticking your finger up there like that.

About 3 hours later, we went to the carnival next door to the zoo to let the kids ride some rides. Kamdyn loved this slide.... While Cooper and I were waiting on them to come down, this lady walks up to us and says, "oh, it's the bird boy!"
Kam has since had a blast telling the story about how the bird "flewed" on Cooper's head. She told everyone at church yesterday and couldn't wait to go tell Ms. Kylie today at school. Cooper laughs now... Yesterday my Papaw walked up to him, put his hand on top of his head and said, "Cooper, there's a bird on your head" and Cooper took off running like a streak of lightning! Ahh... good times!
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