Brian and Jamie had their ultrasound yesterday to find out the baby's sex and Jamie invited me to come this time. I'm not sure she bargained for my kids coming too, but Kamdyn overheard us talking about it and begged to come. Surprisingly, they were very good! We were late getting there and they had already found out it was a girl. My very first niece!!!
Kamdyn predicted a girl and keeps telling everyone that Campbell will have to have her own princess crown. I made the mistake of telling her on Sunday night that she'd have to share her crown if it was a girl and this did not sit well with her. So we determined that Campbell gets her own princess crown.
Kam watched the ultrasound the whole time and at one point leaned over to me and whispered, "she's so beautiful!" She keeps telling Mom that she will have 2 boys and 2 girls now.

Braxton was glad to see Cooper arrive. I don't think he was too interested in his new baby sister. Here the boys are climbing onto Mimi's lap. Cooper's pretty taken with Mimi lately.

Brian wore his pink shirt for the occasion. I think he was hoping his intuition was right on. After he found out it was a healthy girl, he wrestled boys the rest of the time. Did I say how good Cooper was the whole time? He was pretty interested in the baby too and watched the u/s for a while.

Kam stayed with Mimi at the dr.'s office and Cooper and I ran a few errands. We met up with everyone for dinner at Olive Garden afterwards and this was how I found Cooper when I went to get him out of his seat. He was pooped!

By the way, baby Campbell is due December 27 (the u/s says 24th though, which is Mom's birthday), so it should be an exciting Christmas for us this year!!
1 comment:
that is awesome!!!
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