My baby girl is 5 today! I can't believe it! She was so excited when she got up this morning. She has just a few misconceptions about being five. The first thing she said to me this morning was, "Mommy, I have just one more day of school before I go to Kindergarten."
Then later on she told me that her foot was now as big as her friend Bailey's because she was five now. Apparently, foot size is a talked about topic on the playground. When I told her that her foot wasn't as big as Bailey's she argued with me and told me she had a five foot. She did the same thing with her head when I tried to put her cute hat on this morning and it was tight. She said, "I've got a five head now!"
Here she is talking to Uncle Bubby on the phone this morning.... I ran into Brian at Magnet during lunch and he told me that he actually had tears in his eyes talking to her. I think he can't believe she's five either! We had to reminisce about what we were doing five years ago at this time...

Reminiscing about our children's births is something that Mark and I always do on their birthdays. Mark makes fun of me because if you ask me, I will tell you that I had a terrible marathon labor with Kamdyn and that I should get some sort of medal or special award for it. Don't all women do that? Aren't labor stories sort of like war stories????? But I wouldn't change a thing and I most definitely would go through it all over again for this child who makes me laugh constantly and then infuriates me in the same breath!
Kam insisted on opening her presents this morning before school, which I knew wasn't a good idea, because she wouldn't have time to play them before school. She got a TAG reading system and two books which, by the way, I had to go back and rewrap some because Cooper began opening it when no one was in the room. According to Kamdyn, this was what she always wanted!

We went to school and had a party there. The kids played games and sang some songs. I think they are doing the turkey trot song here. See the cute booty sticking out the bottom of the picture...

I love this picture! This is Kam right before she blew out her candles.... What a beautiful girl that I have!

Here are Kam and some of her friends after having cake, chips, and punch. They were getting ready to go to the playground and run some of the sugar off!

Kamdyn is having a party at the Smithzonian Art Center tonight. She loves some arts and crafts so she is super excited about it! Check back tomorrow for more birthday pics!
Hey! You didn't have to tell everyone!! JK, I love my Kam!!
I totally agree with you. That girl
is beautiful!!(and so very witty and intelligent) All in one wonderful package.
Love you all,
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