Last night, we went to open house at Bismarck so that Kam could meet her teacher and see her classroom. I've heard Kam tell people she was going to the "open courthouse" and yesterday she told Dr. W that they were "opening the house tonight" at school. Nevertheless, she was excited to go and meet her teacher, Mrs. McSwain, or "Mrs. Mac" as everyone calls her.
Getting out of the car with Daddy and Coop.... don't you love the pose?

Posing outside the building.... I talked to several people outside before going in and Kamdyn was very anxious to get inside!! The new principal was at the door shaking hands and I have to tell you that I was a little misty-eyed at that point, which surprised me. I have had a few teary moments this week, but Kam has assured me that everything will be okay. I knew that I had to compose myself or else I would have been a blubbering fool the whole night.... so I got my emotions in check and carried on!!

When we turned the corner to look for Kam's room, the first person she saw was Dane, her good friend from Mae's. They literally ran into each others arms! I so wish I could have captured that moment on camera. It was priceless!

Kam and Dane are not in the same class but he quickly told Kam, "I'm right across the hall. I'll meet you at recess!" Sooooo cute!!!!

Next, we found Kam's classroom....

Kam met her teacher, Mrs. Mac (who I didn't get a picture of) and then found her desk. She even met a new little girl who was there at the same time. Most of Kam's friends are in another class, which concerned me at first, but I'm over that now. She's not really shy when it comes to making friends and this will give her the opportunity to expand her circle.

Posing beside her desk...

Mrs. Mac immediately told Kam about her hamster and Kam spent most of the time we were there playing with him (or her... I didn't catch it's name!).

Kam is a starfish....

Kam and her friend, Abby, from church. Abby will be in the first grade but they should be able to see each other and play at recess.

Visiting the library...

Cooper was typical Cooper last night. At one point, Mark told me he had his foot in the water fountain.

We checked out the playground...

After dinner, we stopped to see Mimi and Pop. Mimi bought Kam a new book "Llama Llama Misses Mama" about going to kindergarten. They had cookies while Mom read to Kam.

When we got in the car to leave from open house, I asked Kam what she thought. She enthusiastically replied, "it was awesome!" and I know it will be for her.... I know she is going to flourish at kindergarten and I love that she is so excited. I would be lying though if I didn't say that I'm a little sad. It's a bittersweet time for a momma and I am learning that this week. Today I'm just trying to soak up every little bit of time that I can with her before tomorrow!
1 comment:
I was sobbing listening to Heather & D.C. talk about kids going back to school...I still have two more years. I am sure I will have to be medicated when I take Park to preschool.
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