This morning I heard him walking down the hall at 4 a.m. and I thought to myself, "great, he's finally making his way to me and I don't even have to get up now." Little did I know he had stopped by Kamdyn's room to wake her up and bring her along!!! When I asked Kam if Cooper woke her up she said, "yeah, he needs me."
For 1 1/2 hours they crawled all over my side trying to get where they wanted to be. Of course, Mark laid there oblivious to the whole thing. Note to self: buy new king size's not easy sharing a regular pillow with 3 people.
This is how Mark found them after getting out of the shower this morning. They really are little angels when they are sleeping!

Love the picture!! Haley(8) still sleeps with us every night. She starts off in her bed but ends up in ours around 1:30. She has a brand new bed that PaPu(my dad) brought her and let pick out herself so she would sleep in it. Yeah that did not work at All. She is so long (she is all legs) that she ends up on top of me. Drives me crazy. I have done everything to get her to sleep in her own bed. Nothing works!!
Precious picture!! I'll be no encouragement on getting in the bed..mine are 9 and we finally had to put a "pallet" as my kids call it on the floor beside out bed to keep them out of ours!! They get up and get in it almost every morning about 3 or so! Eventually they'll want privacy I'm sure! ha!
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