After the Hog game on Saturday, we took the kids to Mom's and headed to Little Rock for a "date." I had a few stops to make along the way and Mark was actually a very good shopper. Most of you know that Mark would rather donate an organ than go shopping, but he's getting better! I told him that he was being so good that it must have been my birthday, instead of his!
We ate at Macaroni Grill and it was wonderful. I am seriously addicted to that place right now... We were going to go to a movie but Mark decided that it was too late and he didn't think he could stay awake.... we are getting old!
We have gotten the biggest kick out of Cooper lately.... he is really doing funny things! I can't tell you how many times he's come into the living room dragging a gallon of milk to let you know he wants some. Saturday morning he crawled into bed with us toting a gallon of milk and then went back for the bag of pancakes. I guess he was hungry!

A quick Kamdyn story.... We ate at Taco Bell Sunday and both kids were throwing fits as we were leaving..... it was meltdown city for both of them and Mark and I were on the verge of our own meltdowns listening to them. Finally, Mark told Kamdyn he had enough and for her to "zip it, lock it, and put it in her pocket," to which she replies in between horrendous sobs "but, Daddy, I don't have a pocket!" I couldn't help it... I lowered my head and laughed til I hurt.
1 comment:
They are at the perfect age for saying this kind of stuff..hilarious!!! Love the pocket story and that pic of Coop with the pancakes!! So cute!
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