I stole this title from Mom, who sent me this picture of her new prized possession, a large platter painted by her "grands"(my kids and Braxton). She told us this is what she wanted for Mother's Day so no, we're not that creative. And, of course, we waited til the last minute and didn't realize that pottery has to be fired, which takes a little time. So Mimi just got her platter on Friday night, but I think it was worth the wait.

The kids had fun (for the most part) painting and I really enjoyed it. I could stay and paint all day long... it's therapeutic for me! Kam had a minor meltdown when we painted her hand but she eventually got over it. JJ took pics so I'll post them after I get them from her.
On Saturday, we visited Mark's Nannie in Benton at Uncle Glenn and Aunt Sue's house. Kamdyn is always talking to herself or anyone who will listen about random things, but she caught my attention when she told Sue we made Mimi an "offering plate" for Mother's Day. Sue had a funny look on her face and I had to explain it was actually a large platter. I'm just proud she knows what an offering plate is!
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