Bet you thought this post would be about Kamdyn... you'd be wrong!
I might have overreacted a slight bit on Tuesday. I've been fighting these awful headaches the last few weeks behind my eyes. I went home Tuesday after my school visit to lay down and try to sleep since I had been up since 3 a.m. with one. I felt better for a while.... then the blinding, stabbing pain overtook me. Now I've had a few migraines in my life that have made me very sick, but I can honestly say that I've never had one to hurt this bad.
So I panicked... because all I could remember reading was to go to the doctor if you have the worst headache you've ever had.... and it hurt to move. I'm not exaggerating on that point. So I called Mom at work hysterical telling her that I was having an aneurysm and probably going to die. Then I called Mark and told him to get home immediately. He actually hesitated and made some comment about leaving in a few minutes. Did he not understand me? I was about to die...or so I thought. After a few calls back and forth between Mom and Mark, he finally made it home.
On the ride over to Hot Springs he said (and I quote), "I'm going to be so mad if I go pay $500 at the ER and they tell me you have a headache."
Well, yes, I do have a headache. I thought that was obvious. Was he hoping for a brain bleed or aneurysm? For real?
By the time we make it into Hot Springs, the pain is actually subsiding and then I begin to feel stupid. So we decide to go to the Convenient Care Clinic and save ourselves the cost of an ER visit. Turns out I did have a migraine.... duh!!! But I made sure to ask the Nurse Practictioner if there was any chance that I could have an aneurysm (she already told me I didn't have a brain tumor)... I even said no to the CAT scan she offered.
As we were leaving Mark commented there was no way he could ever be a nurse or a doctor. When I asked him why he responded that he couldn't listen to patients like me whine and say the same thing over and over.... apparently, I told her a minimum of 5 times that I felt a blinding, stabbing pain all of a sudden in my eyes that wouldn't stop. What can I say? I wanted to make sure she got all the facts before she dismissed anything.....
Yeah, I overreacted. I admit it. I think we all know where Kamdyn gets it now.
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