It's never a good sign when you ask the teacher how the day went and they take a deep breath in and reply, "well...." My stomach immediately went into knots as I braced myself to hear about Cooper's first day at preschool.

I guess the most concerning thing was that he hit his teacher (or tried, I'm not sure if he actually hit her but he swatted at her, nonetheless). I can't say that was a surprise to me because he can be a rough little boy sometimes. Refer to earlier posts if you don't believe me!
He wouldn't potty for the teacher and went through all the Pull-Ups we sent. Consequently, he was wearing a pink Dora Pull-Up when I picked him up. Didn't seem to bother him and he loves Dora anyway.... but I digress.
He wouldn't eat lunch. Again, not a surprise to me at all. The boy can go all day long without eating.... didn't want to sit down for story time... but once he did sit down, he sat still for 4 stories straight! On another positive note, she said he laid down easily and took a good nap.
I have to admit I was a little discouraged after hearing all this but the teacher assured me that this was all normal for a first day. After all, he is testing his boundaries. He doesn't know the kids or the teacher that well so it's just a matter of learning the rules.
I know his teacher Mrs. V and she assured me that he would be fine. She's stubborn and she'll hang in there with him. That's what I love about her! She'll go head to head with them... believe me, she had to go head to head with Kamdyn on more than one occasion!
Of course, I had to ask her if Cooper was the wildest kid she had ever had....I know I shouldn't ask questions like that but I can't seem to help myself.... but her answer was a very emphatic "no," which made me feel better.
Kamdyn gave me and Mom a running commentary (hand motions and all) of how he did which was, coincidentally, word for word what she heard Mrs. V telling me earlier. Except she did add some other details. She said she heard a "lovely noise coming from the kitchen and it was Cooper crying!" because he didn't want to wash his face after lunch....and he would only eat applesauce, etc. Mom and I were rolling at dinner listening to her.
This morning, he went right in to class and sat down with the kids to get ready to sing. Mae (the owner) pretty much told me the same thing Mrs. V did yesterday.... it's just a matter of getting used to the rules and that he would be fine. She did add that he was "beautiful" too... I bet she tells all the moms that, but I loved hearing it!!!!

And, gee, I don't know why I thought that my kid would be perfect on the first day.... look at him at Vacation Bible School last night! More on that in a future post. Let's just say that I think a few preschool workers have earned extra stars on their crowns this week!
And on another note, will someone please tell my husband to pick a camera! These pictures stink!