I keep mentioning that my camera is broken, but I don't think I've mentioned that Mark lost my memory card with 600 pictures on it. I think I'm even more upset about it than when I lost my wallet 3 weeks ago. I'm still hoping that both will turn up eventually.
I borrowed Mom's camera a few weeks ago when we went to Heber for the weekend. The kids have been dying to go fishing so Mark and Papaw Sonny took them to Uncle Sprout's pond. It was at least 100 degrees but they were insistent on going... I toured Heber and found a great place to get a pedicure while they were gone.
I don't think Cooper actually caught this fish, but they tried to get him to help reel it in.

I predicted before they left that someone would get a hook in them somewhere and I was right. Mark got one in the thumb courtesy of Cooper.

Kamdyn and Uncle Sprout... she looks like she's just taking it easy while he does all the work.

Mark took these pics but I imagine that my kiddos are jumping up to run when Papaw Sonny brought that fish near them...

I think this pic probably sums the afternoon up... the kids sat under a tree in Uncle Sprout's lap while Papaw, Mark, and Sprout did all the fishing...

After the fishing expedition, we went to visit Nannie. Now Nannie loves all her great-grandkids but we tend to think she is partial to Kamdyn... she calls her the "little princess." LOL! However, she now has another princess in baby Kennedy and Kamdyn is happy to share that title!

Stephen told Mark the last time they visited Nannie that the first thing she said was, "where's Kamdyn?"

Cooper giving me instructions on how to take a picture...

Kamdyn and Aunt Dorothy....

I love Aunt Dorothy. The first time I ever met her was at my wedding shower in Heber. Mark came up to her, gave her a big hug, and asked how Uncle Mack was. She just looked at Mark laughing and said, "Mark, Uncle Mack's been dead a year." I think Mark could have died on the spot but she just laughed!
There's also the story of her bringing two goats to
Courtney's office for a wedding present... that one never gets old!
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