Today was Cooper's first day at Mrs. Mae's Preschool. We've been waiting on him to get potty-trained all summer long so he could begin going, but he's been on his own schedule. Imagine that! I began taking him in with me more this summer to pick up Kamdyn so he could get used to being there. I've not taken him in much in the past because he always screamed and threw a fit. I was afraid Mrs. Mae would never take him if she saw him act like that every day!
But last week when we went in he just ran right in and parked himself in the floor with the kids. Mae just looked at me and said, "he's ready to be here, isn't he?" So we decided to start him 2 days a week because the potty training is still not 100%.
We had to stop and get Mom's camera so I could take some pics this morning. Obviously, no one wanted their picture taken!

I finally got them to smile and look at me. Kamdyn has been so excited about Cooper going to school with her. She has asked me every day for the last week when he could go. Mark and I have tried to tell them that they can't fight at school like they do at home. We'll see how that goes!

Here's Cooper waiting on me to get Kam out before we went in. We usually have to redo Kam's hair on the parking lot every morning before we go in.

These are not the poses I hoped for this morning... they just wouldn't stand and pose for me so I just started snapping.

Cooper doing his "happy dance" before we went in...

Here I go... I'm such a big boy now!

Every morning the whole group of kids assemble in one room to talk and sing before going to their individual classrooms. We tried to time it where we missed that this morning but it didn't work out. So while all the other kids are singing, Cooper just walked in and started playing.

He did come and give me a hug and kiss before I left to go stand in the hall and watch him through the window.

Mrs. Vanessa took him to sit with his class and he actually sat still and watched everyone sing. He sat by a beautiful little blonde-headed girl...Daddy would be so proud!! Mrs. Mae introduced Cooper to everyone and I could see him smiling. I left right before Kam's class was dismissed because I was afraid she would throw a fit if she saw that I was still at school.
I have a confession to make. When I pulled up to my office, I decided that Cooper was my last baby and that today would be his only "first" day at preschool so I turned around and went back to watch him some more. Mrs. Mae said that when Kam's class was being dismissed he did ask if he was going with "Kam-man" but she explained he was staying with Mrs. Vanessa and he was fine with that.
I watched him through the window playing with another little boy at a center. This was a concern for me because he's not used to having to sit and play without getting up... but he seemed to do fine. Mrs. Vanessa was sitting beside him and he was smiling and laughing (a little too loud, but I'm sure that will get better too).
I'm hoping and praying that the rest of the day will go as well!!!
1 comment:
Ohhhh, that is so sweet that you went back! It sounds like he had a good day. I forgot to ask you how it went last night. I bet he is going to love it! Thanks for all the hard work you and your mom are doing at VBS! You guys are doing a great job!
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