Mark and I just returned from Chicago and we had a fabulous trip! It only took me 8 years to finally talk him into going with me to a training conference. In the beginning of our marriage, he always tried to ration his vacation days. Then came kids and we thought one of us needed to always be with them.... so we are long overdue for a mini vacation alone! And guess what??? The kids were thrilled to go stay with their Mimi and Pop for a while!!!

I must warn you... we took lots of pictures of ourselves and they are awful, but they're all I have. Believe it or not, I'm not one to stop and ask other people to take our picture. This is us on the airplane Thursday morning. There were storms between Arkansas and Chicago so our flight was delayed right away... but it was only a few hours so it wasn't too bad.
Once we made it to Chicago and got checked in, we headed to Michigan Avenue and Gino's East!!! This was the one place Mark wanted to eat in Chicago. One of his coworkers is from Chicago and talked it up for weeks to Mark. Although I've been to Chicago several times before, I had never eaten at Gino's
Trust me when I tell you it was AWESOME!!! Better than Giardano's!! We ordered appetizers and a small which was two pieces each and we were both stuffed! That's a cornbread crust that is to die for!
Again, not a flattering picture of either of us... but is there ever? I keep telling Mark that our pictures look like we were on a restaurant tour! We have challenged each other to lose weight but we'll see how that goes. We do that almost every night.
On Michigan Avenue.... I have to brag on Mark. Anyone who knows him, knows that he would rather donate an organ than shop (that's an inside joke!). But he let me shop all I wanted and I know that was major for him. I think he secretly enjoyed it though!
We went to Navy Pier one morning just so Mark could say he had been there. It was actually a gorgeous day to be near the water. We had to take this picture for the kids because they get such a kick out of these mirrors. I always look like a little person... imagine that!
This was Mark's attempt at trick photography.... Isn't the view gorgeous???
I never knew how much Mark liked skylines... we tried to get back Saturday night to take a skyline boat tour but it was chilly that night and shut down early.
Another awful picture...
On my first trip to Chicago twelve years ago, we went to Haray Caray's Restaurant. Not the tavern, but the nice restaurant. I will never forget it because we had not been seated for very long, when Brian leaned over and said, "that's Sammy Sosa sitting behind you!" If you know anything about the Cubs, you know who Sammy Sosa is. And the real kicker is that before I left for Chicago I asked Mark what he wanted me to bring him back and he said, "Sammy Sosa's autograph!" But I was not bold enough to lean over and ask (nor was my mother, which says a lot! This was an upscale restaurant and probably not appropriate for that kind of thing!) so no autograph for Mark.... I've always regretted that.
On Friday while I was in my conference, Mark took the L-train to Wrigley and watched the Cubs take on the Pirates. He called me from the game to tell me how awesome his seats were!

Downtown by the Riverwalk is probably my favorite part of Chicago. It's been in so many movies and I just think it's beautiful. The last time I was there my boss and walked that street (which leads to the Magnificent Mile) too many times to count! It is absolutely gorgeous at night.
We walked by several homeless beggars and it always bothers me. I want to give them everything that I have. But I've also heard many stories about people who pretend to be homeless and make money this way so I've become a little leary. But this one particular homeless man caught my eye and I couldn't get him out of my mind. I kept thinking of the scripture about seeing a brother in need and not helping them (so not exactly that but you get the idea) so I talked Mark into going back to give him some money (this was after Mark gave another one money after our conversation).
I had a $1 bill and a $10 bill so I sent the $10 bill by Mark to give to him. He was standing in front of a Walgreen's store. We were waiting on the corner and I could look back and still see him. I saw the man go into Walgreen's and I was actually thinking that maybe he went in to buy some food. WRONG!!! The man came out with a package of cigarettes! I wanted to stamp "sucker" on my forehead but I still stand by my conviction to give the man money. But I wasn't happy to say the least!
As I mentioned, I went to the Cubs game on Sunday with Mark. He bought bleacher seats for this game, which turned out to be general admission seats. Because of my meetings and checking out, we were late for the game and ended up standing the whole time. It was a total wash! Mark says that next time he wants to sit on the rooftop seats. Those folks were having a good time!

I walked around and Mark stood here for a while. He can see over these people but I'm so short that I couldn't see a thing!
We finally ended up in this area in centerfield that was covered with net. These kids cracked me up. They were decked out in their Cub gear and played their DS's the whole game. I wanted to ask if I could play with them!
Mark finally figured out that if he knelt down he had a better view...
See???? Not good for the knees though so that didn't last long.
Don't get me wrong! I love baseball and the Cubs but I really didn't enjoy this visit as much as I did my first. I was a die-hard Cub fan then and soaked up every minute and detail of Wrigley Field that I could. So glad that Mark got to experience it finally. He will tell you that he is not a Cub fan but any baseball fan can appreciate the history of Wrigley Field.
Our last awful picture attempt... we were trying to get the statue of Haray Caray (RIP) behind us...

After we made it back from the game, we headed to the airport. By this time, we were ready to go home! Mark insisted we go get the kids at 11:30 at Mom's because he was dying to see them. I guess I was too... As a matter of fact, I got stopped by a cop near Malvern. Luckily, he let me off but what is the deal with me and cops this year? I've been stopped more in one year than my entire life!
Mom asked me the next day where I got stopped because apparently my Dad heard it over the scanner. I'm sure he was thinking, "she's back!"