We celebrated Papaw's 80th birthday last weekend with a cookout at their house. Since we had dodged tornadoes the night before and the forecast was the same for Sat. night, we were a little concerned we might have to move the party inside. The weather cooperated although it was extremely HOT and HUMID!
Mark and Brian doing what they love best -- grilling. Someone actually asked Mark recently how he grilled such great steaks. Obviously, they don't know about his WS days!

This picture absolutely cracks me up! First of all, I don't even own an iphone so I'm not even sure whose Kam is playing with. However, she is asking me to get one now because she also played with Gina's yesterday at Mom's and hasn't quit talking about it since.

Papaw's cake made by Suzanne. Notice the smudge on the bottom.... JJ leaned over to look and got it all over her.

Papaw before he cut his cake with some of the greats...

Papaw minus a few grands.... We joked and said that the important ones were there! We missed you Jamie and Derek!

Papaw and his kiddos.... notice any family resemblance?

Papaw opening his GPS that we all got him. We joked that now he can find his way to the dump and senior center! Mark has it programmed and installed for him so he's anxious to leave the county!

Campbell Grace sporting an oh so cute hat that I helped JJ make before the party....

Kamdyn and Bricen playing in the bird bath.... I'm pretty sure someone drank some water from it.

Checking out the cows (or cattle as Mark called them the first time he saw them out my Mom's window 13 years ago. We've never let him forget that!).... this is the country, you know!

Drinking and driving.... Mom's had this big wheel for over a year now and Cooper has never ridden it. I'm pretty sure he rode 5 miles last Saturday night!

On a serious note, I am extremely blessed to still have a living grandfather! As my Mamaw said to me while Papaw was opening his gifts, "it's a privilege to live this long." Papaw has always been a very influential role model in my life and I love him dearly. He's a Godly man who loves his family, his church, and his friends.... I'm pretty sure he even said that himself in his birthday speech.
I love you, Papaw!!!
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