My mom.... my biggest fan and best critic!

And on to my own kiddos.... they were absolutely precious on Mother's Day morning. I couldn't come into the kitchen until they finished writing on my card (somebody forgot to have them do it the night before!), which took a while, but was well worth the wait. Then Kamdyn pulled a necklace with their names on it out from under her pj's. She was wearing it to try to throw me off which, by the way Mark, was a very cute idea! Even though I was pretty sure that was what I was getting.
I hate to even post this pic of me and my chins, but it's one of only a few pics I have of me and the kids. I made Mark take this Sunday night while I vegged on the couch with the kiddos-- something that I hardly ever get to do!!! I enjoyed the cuddling with them. I keep telling myself that next year Kam may not want to cuddle and love on me like she does now. I'm trying to soak up every second of it that I can!! I am loving the ages they are at now and would love to freeze time right now!!!
Kamdyn and Cooper.... I thank God so often for giving me the privilege to be your Mommy. I'm not always perfect, but I love you both more than anything and pray that I can be the best Mommy to you guys. I'll never get over the blessing of being your Mom!!!

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