We took the kids to see Disney on Ice on Saturday. Kamdyn has been looking forward to this since January when we bought our tickets. She asked me all the time if it was April yet and could she flip the calendar. I think she would say that it was worth the wait!
Here are the kids outside Alltel Arena. We were waiting to meet Jodie, the girls, and some coworkers of hers.

This might be the funniest thing I've seen all year long. I know I've written about Cooper's obsession with letters before. While we were waiting for Jodie and the girls, Mom looked down and noticed that Cooper had stuck letters in his little shirt pocket to carry in with him (along with his matchbox car) that he insisted on bringing in. Can you say "pocket protector?".....

Kamryn and Kamdyn ran to each other like long lost lovers!! LOL!

Here are the kids with their Ariel wands and swords. We ended up getting Cooper a sword, which I'm not sure was a good idea. He's since whacked Kamdyn on the head a couple of times already.

Braxton and his $10 lemonade.... is this stuff not ridiculous?

We had front row rinkside seats (at least the kids did) and we sat directly behind them. In all my years, I've never had seats this good to any event I've ever gone to. My kids just sat mesmerized....

Flounder was adorable...and so close to us!

When Ursula came out, Mom joked that was her!

Kamdyn asked me for months if Prince Eric would be at the show and I always told her that I didn't think so because I didn't want her to be disappointed if he wasn't. So when Eric came out, she turned around to me and said, "Mommy, I told you Eric would be here!"

Kamdyn loved "The Little Mermaid".... she sat in awe the whole time they performed.

When this guy from "Lilo and Stitch" came out Mom then commented, "Pop's here!" (aka my dad).

I mentioned earlier that Cooper was mesmerized....that is until this rocket flew threw the sky during "Lilo and Stitch" and he went ballistic! It scared him so much that I had to take him out (which nearly caused a cardiac event carrying him up those stairs).
We took him back in after intermission for Peter Pan, but he didn't want any part of it. The pirates scared him to death! So Mom took him out for the rest of the show....
This is part of the finale when all of the characters came out...we love Sebastain!

Kamdyn and Kamryn afterwards. I never can get a shot of them together with them both looking at the camera!

We went to America Pie Pizza Co. afterwards. They had a little arcade room which was perfect for the kids.

My kids were pooped by the time we got home (and so was I!) but a good time was had by all!!!
1 comment:
Looks like fun! Maybe I need to go to Disney on
Ice! LOL!
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