Monday's are usually very tiring days for us. Mostly because we play so hard on the weekends and Monday is our recovery day...I don't cook big meals, etc.... You get the picture. Yesterday, the weather was gorgeous when we got home so the kids never even made it in the door.
Mark greeted us on the mower as we drove up, which is a very common sight around our house in the spring. I absolutely love the spring but I hate that Mark has to mow once a week. It is a major ordeal it seems like ... I have offered to mow before because, I'll be honest, I would love to ride around in the warm sun (as long as it's below 85 degrees) working on my tan with only my thoughts to entertain me. But I'm always told that our yard is complicated and that there is a certain way it has to be mowed. My dad told me the same thing growing up... not sure I believe either one of them!

So the kids and I decided to play with some sidewalk chalk for a while. Whether it's a Doodle Pro, dry erase board, or sidewalk chalk, they have always liked for me to draw pictures for them. Not sure what Kamdyn is drawing here but she is very intense about it. Notice the death grip she has on the chalk...

Now you might wonder what the significance of this cracked driveway picture is... If you look closely, you may be able to tell that these letters spell K-A-M-D-Y-N. I have never been able to get Kam to write her name for me. She can spell every kid in her class's name and loves to draw, but she absolutely refuses to write letters for me. I worried about it for a while, but finally decided she would do it eventually. I knew she probably could, but was just being stubborn about it. Imagine that! So I was really excited yesterday when she wrote her name on the driveway.

Kam also informed me again yesterday that she now wants to be Kamdyn Nivens instead of Kamdyn Chastain. We went through this about 6 months ago when she discovered that Mimi, Pop, and Uncle Bubby had a different last name than her. They are studying the letter N at school this week and I mentioned that Nivens started with N and this quickly prompted this discussion again.
A Chastain family portrait:

Cooper is drawing circles around himself in between running around spelling every letter and word we've written on the sidewalk.

I went to the car to get something and next thing I know both kids are inside pretending to drive and having a ball. I heard Kam asked Cooper if he wanted her to turn the music on ... this usually makes me nervous b/c although I don't remember it, I've been told that Jodie, Brett, and I took a trip down Mom's driveway and across Hwy 84 one time while we were "pretending" to drive.

Once inside, Cooper found his big wall letters and toted those around for a while. I took them off his wall to paint and now he plays with them all the time. You will always see him with one of these big letters or the little magnetic letters in his hands at all times.

Monday's are also my favorite TV night because I am a huge "Dancing with the Stars" fan. Kam loves it too and she always puts on her dress up clothes so she can dance with the TV. Here she is asking Mark, "Can I may I have this dance, Daddy?" I think Mark just about melted the first time she asked him that... then we laughed at her double usage of "Can I may I?"... she says it every time.

By the way,
"Happy Birthday" to Uncle Bubby!!! We love you!
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