I sent the camera with Mark to take pictures but; of course, he didn't take any. I had visions of posting pictures of the kids with Papaw Sonny and Nannie along with the weekend activities.... not to happen this time. The kids told me they had fun and Mark shared a few stories...
Apparently, Cooper and Kam were sword fighting with some old race track they found in the toy box... I'm not quite sure of the details but I do know that Cooper whacked Papaw Sonny in the head with it... that's pretty typical for Cooper but I don't think Papaw Sonny was too amused.
I guess later they found a bouncy ball that was the dogs and Cooper nailed Kamdyn between the eyes with it ... and we had just been talking about whether Cooper would have any athletic ability or not!
They had a great visit with Nannie, who always has Starbursts waiting for them. I think Mark said Kam ate about 20 and then I found 2 large ziplock bags full of them when they came home. I'm sure Kam will be asking for them soon.
Kam talked to me on the phone on Saturday night crying, "but Mommy, I need you." I was trying to explain that I would see her the next day when she handed the phone to Mark and said, "here" and ran off. Mark laughed and assured me she was over it... I think she was just trying to make me feel good.... which is exactly what Cooper did when he got on the phone and said, "hi, Mommy" (pronounced Ma-hi) in his cute little voice. My heart melted...
I did have to go meet Mark in Greenbrier to deliver Kam's breathing machine. She woke up with an asthma flare-up that we couldn't take any chances with. It did give me the chance to stop and shop in Conway before coming back to meet Mom and JJ for some more late afternoon shopping. Who says I can't make lemonade out of lemons?
Although I missed the kids (and Mark too!), it was a fabulous weekend to relax and do whatever I wanted without feeling guilty about it! Poor Cooper was pooped when he got home and crawled up in my lap and went to sleep instantly!

Sounds like fun!! I heard you mention something about Heber in SS but I didn't know it was the whole weekend...lucky you! :) Think they'd like Marty and the kids to come visit them?! LOL!
This picture of Cooper sleeping is so sweet! And I love the new picture of the kids at the top of the blog! They are getting so big!!
Chastain Crew
Every time I read this and see the
sweet, sweet pics it makes me smile.
Love and miss you all!!
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