Mark took the kids out before we left for school on Friday so they could play in what little snow we got on Thursday night. It began snowing hard when we left to go to Kindergarten registration and, of course, they were shutting it down when we got there. Kam was so disappointed because she wanted to see all the class rooms.
Back to the snow... Mark threw a snow ball at Kamdyn and she did not like it one bit.

Her exact words were, "that's not fair; I'm not playing anymore!" See the ice on her chest (above her heart). No wonder she didn't want to play.

Thursday night my dad got pizza and threw together an impromptu birthday celebration for me since Brian & JJ were going out of town for the weekend. It was so sweet of him! Love you, dad! As you can see, I had help blowing out the candles on my cinnamon sticks.

The weekend wouldn't be complete without us going to someone's birthday party. We went to Carter's (Mark's cousin's little boy) party in Benton. On a side note, we left and went back for the end of Kenzie's party too.
Here is sweet little Kennedy, whom Kamdyn shares her princess crown with on Mark's side of the family. She and Kamdyn are Nannie's girls...

I don't know why I think this picture is funny... I'm pretty sure that Cooper was trying to tell me through the glass that he wanted cake "right now." The boy can't get enough of it!

My two kiddos right up in the middle of all these kids that they don't even know...

I tried to take a few pics of the kids together after church on Sunday...

It began snowing after we got home and the flakes were so huge. It was awesome for the little while it lasted!

Mark loves snow more than anyone I know so he was thrilled... except that it went away as quickly as it came.

I think we must be raising pansies though... the kids only lasted about 10-15 minutes outside before they wanted to go in to get warm and dry. Mark and I, on the other hand, probably stayed outside an hour. We stood out in it for a while and then moved to the porch to just watch it. I told Mark we must be getting old!

Kamdyn trying to catch some snow in her mouth...

Wonder where she learned that silliness?
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