Updated: Mom corrected me this morning by telling me that Braxton threw 4, not 3, eggs on the floor. I know that makes a difference! And, Mark is not happy with me about the picture I posted of him walking with the kids. Apparently, he sees a spot that he didn't know was there! :)
One of the kids favorite things to do on the weekends now is to go 4-liter riding on Sunday afternoons. Kamdyn just expects it now, even though we've not gone in several weeks because of the weather. I took these pics about 3 weeks ago before the cold snap. I took my new camera and thought I would play around with the settings.

I love the way this picture turned out with Mark and Cooper blurry in the background. That's one of the things I wanted to figure out on the camera. Now I just wish I remembered which setting I had it on!
Mark is walking around checking out the land. I think I said earlier that we are looking for the perfect spot to build our house (hopefully sooner than later!) and I think we've found it!

Another shot of Kam... I think this would be cute if I photo shopped it some.... I'll add that to my list of things to do.

Let me take this time to point out that the kids picked out their own clothes; hence the reason they don't match! My only request was that they wear their rainboots because it had rained and was very wet.

Heading for the creek.... As kids, we always played in the creek. I've already told the kids lots of stories about swimming in the creek and catching crawdads with Jodie, Brett, and Jamie. Some of my best childhood memories....

We found a big tree that had fallen across the creek and I thought it would be a great place to take some more pics. I had to walk across the tree to the other side of the creek to take the pics because I didn't have my rainboots on!

Mark helping Cooper walk across to the middle for a few pics....

"Coop, don't move!"

So all the work in getting the kids to the middle of the creek was really for nothing because I didn't get one shot of them both looking at me at the same time.

Would someone please pull that girl's hair out of her face???????

Yes, Kam has on leopard pants and navy/pink apple boots. I'm picking my battles these days. The kids started out on the edge of the creek but gradually got in deeper and deeper.

And, yes, it was bound to happen. They fell in! Cooper managed to just get his pants wet but Kamdyn was wet from top to bottom.

So we ended up back at Mimi's to dry their wet clothes...

Mom had to find a t-shirt for Kam to wear because she was soaked! Don't you love the red teeth too?

Brian and JJ brought the kids down a while later and this is what usually happens when Braxton and Cooper are together. Boys wil be boys.... except it usually ends up violent!

They kept opening Mom's refrigerator and trying to get her eggs out, even after we repeatedly told them no. The next weekend when we were all there we heard Jamie go into the kitchen and shout, "Oh, no!" You guessed it.... Braxton had gotten into the refrigerator and threw 3 eggs onto the floor. Thank goodness, Cooper was in the other room and wasn't in on it! Otherwise, it wouldn't have been pretty!
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