Yesterday when I was driving home, Cooper threw a candy bar at me from the back seat. No, I didn't ask him to throw it to me. It was more like a fly by.... scared me and it wasn't the first time it happened. So I got on to him and of course he said, "but I didn't hit you, Mommy."

To which I reply that no, he didn't hit me but it scared me and I could have swerved off of the road and we could have wrecked. Then I ask him what he thought would happen if we had a wreck, thinking that he would get the fact that we could have had a serious accident. He responds instead, "we could get a new car."
Well, yeah, if we survived I guess we could get a new car!! I don't think the point was taken!

Another day this week, we were listening to the Chipmunks CD (what was I ever thinking to buy this CD? A little chipmunk goes a long way!), when a song came on that had a line about attitude in it.
Cooper says in his most country drawl, "Kam-dyn gets an 'altitude' sometimes, Mommy!"
Yes, she does! My boy doesn't miss much!

Mom loves it when Cooper gets this look on his face... he does it when he's really thinking about something. It's my favorite face that he makes!

I'm quite used to Kamdyn's one liners but Cooper's beginning to be quite the comedian himself.

We didn't get a good report at school yesterday. His teacher told me today she thought he was trying to show off for his friend who got moved up to his class.

We'll see how today went. I think he's just being stubborn like his daddy and sister. When he makes up his mind he doesn't want to do something, he's not going to do it! Such a Chastain trait!!
1 comment:
I love it!!! Good job saying it was a Chastain trait...The Towell side doesn't have any bad ones. LOL!!!
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