The kids had their Easter parties at school on Friday and had a great time! They had a big Easter egg hunt on Thursday which was fun too. Some of Cooper's class was absent Friday so once again, he was the only boy in a room full of girls! I keep telling him he doesn't know how lucky he is!

He acted so silly while we were there....

I think he kept his eyes on Mark and I most of the time instead of his teacher and class.

Mark was able to get off work to come which thrilled the kids. He normally isn't able to make it so it was a treat for him to be there. As you can see, Cooper continued to act silly...

Cooper is a serious drinker.... So much so that I'm beginning to worry that he's diabetic! Silly, I know, but we hear him say, "I'm firsty" a jillion times a day. Put food in front of him and he will go for the drink every time!

This is Kam's class... you can't really see her (the big red bow!) and no matter where I moved to she was hidden in my shot.

She has been with this group of kids for three years and they have really bonded. I am so sad that they will all be split up when Kindergarten begins this fall. I will always remember this special group of kids (and their parents) and be grateful for the friendships and memories Kam has made.
Kam and her BFF, Bailey....

Trying to be silly with icing mustache...

Until she threw a fit when her teacher insisted she eat a bite of apple....

These are the Fun Time girls!!! What great times they have had together!!!

As I mentioned, Mark was able to come to Kam's last official holiday preschool party. Makes me really sad when I think about it like that!!!

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