Jodie bought this chair for Kylie's room when we went to War Eagle in October. Isn't it so cool?

A few years ago she bought a desk for $10 at a yard sale that we've been talking about painting for Kylie's room as well.... it's just taken us a little while to decide what to do with it.
The chair became the inspiration and we finally tackled the desk during spring break....

Isn't it great? In this picture, the desk has not been sprayed yet so the color is a little matte. Jodie has promised to send me a pic after it is sprayed and put in Kylie's room.

She also got new bedding and painted her walls that we coordinated it all to go with.... It was my first time to ever paint furniture and I have to say that I loved it! I'm now in the market for an old headboard for Kam's room that I can paint and do something funky with!
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