Mark's cousin, Courtney, emailed me these pictures of Mark and his family that she found recently. Mark had never seen this first picture so it thrilled him to get it.

Kamdyn and Cooper both commented on how much hair Papaw Sonny had!

Kam has also started asking questions about her Nana Linda. When Mark was putting her to bed the other night, she began reasoning out the family tree with him. It all started with her wanting to know who was the "big" brother--Mark or Uncle Stephen. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't bother Mark. She seemed to accept the answers though and she's asked more questions since then. We had to laugh after as we discussed thoughts of conversations between Kamdyn and Linda. Kam definitely would have been her princess!!
Love the pics! Mark will have to fill the kids with all his wonderful memories of his mom. I know that has to be hard on him. Have a good weekend!
I think the kids look so much like Mark in the second picture! Miss her lots!!! I think about what she would think of Parker and how much fun he would have had with her. I can still hear her laughing...I am sure she is looking down laughing and thinking that Mark is paying for his raising.
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