Up in smoke is what my living room and kitchen were on Saturday morning!!!!

While I was making the bed Saturday morning, the kids came running down the hall screaming there was a bad smell. I could see smoke so I ran to the stove thinking I had left it on and something had gotten near it. Not the case... so I got the kids out the back door and called Mom and Dad. Mark had just left for Hot Springs. I ran back in to look for the cause with no luck. So I ran in again to throw on a shirt (I had my pj's on!) and grab the kids some shoes. While I was doing that, apparently the kids ran back in behind me to grab their Alvin & Brittney chipmunks. We wouldn't want them to burn! Kamdyn was standing outside saying to my Dad, "oh my goodness, what are we going to do?"

Dad threw the power off and checked all the obvious places and couldn't find anything either. The kids and I eventually went to their house because the house had to air out and we hadn't turned the power back on yet. Mark came home shortly after we got there and he and Dad went back down to look. At this point, we're thinking it's electrical.

About 30 minutes later, Mark called me at Mom's and asked if anyone had cooked a biscuit in the microwave to which I responded, "Cooper Ryan." I knew instantly what he had done. When I went to ask the kids if anyone had cooked a biscuit Cooper said, "I did" because "I just wanted it to be hot!"

When I explained that was why the house was smokey and we didn't have a microwave anymore Kam exclaimed, "oh no! What are we going to eat tomorrow?" Heaven forbid we don't have microwave pancakes one morning! My kids would die........

On a side note, Mark tried to cook microwave pancakes in the toaster yesterday morning for the kids. Both of them told me on the way to school their pancakes were cold.... I couldn't help but laugh! We haven't gone to get a new microwave yet and oh, how I miss it! I think I am trying to prove a point by waiting but I'm not sure anyone gets it. Based on the pictures I took of the kids right after Saturday, I know I'm right. I mean... does that little boy look like he cares he almost burnt the house down?????
1 comment:
Maybe we need to up your deductible or exclude fire. LOL!!!
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