This post was supposed to have been called "The Sisters," but it's not. It was supposed to have been a quiet uneventful weekend, but it was not. Here's a recap:
We skipped the football game Friday night because Kamdyn got in trouble that morning and Mark told her no football game and he decided to stick to his guns about it. We're not always the best at that. I felt like I was being punished because I really wanted to go to the game. Kamdyn threw a fit when Cooper and I almost went so I stayed home... now that would have really been punishment because she was fine 5 minutes after Mark told her we weren't going. So much for sticking to your guns, Mark. Glad that I ended up not going though because I got a bad headache and ended up taking some Tylenol PM and crashing.
Some time in the middle of the night, Mark had to go to work and didn't come home until 11:00 a.m. I felt so drugged out so the kids and I laid in bed til late that morning. I would have laid there forever but I couldn't put Cooper off on breakfast any longer. He was bringing me packets of oatmeal saying, "I hungry, Mom." Poor kid. It was 10:30 a.m. after all.
After Mark came home and went to bed, the kids, JJ, and I ran to Benton to get baby Grace a new diaper bag at Smith-Caldwell. I love to shop at little places like that for gifts, although we had to watch the kids like hawks to make sure they didn't break anything.
Dad's birthday was Thursday so he invited his sisters out to grill steaks Saturday night. The kids had to get a tour of Pop's new shop that's being built behind the house. This tour ended early when Cooper and Kam began running with and arguing over a hammer.

Once inside again, Cooper quickly landed himself in time out. Not sure for what again, but Braxton kept him company. Doesn't he really look sorry for what he's done?

The boys were hungry and I think they thought the food would come sooner if they sat at the table and beat their hands on it.... Didn't work!

The kids love Aunt Sharron and do not get to see her enough. They wouldn't leave her alone and I have a feeling she slept very good that night after wrestling with them all night.

Sharron went outside for a smoke break and Kamdyn heard us say that and she asked if someone was going to go put her out. She's never seen anyone smoke before so what else was she supposed to think? We all fell out laughing!!!
Here she is with Aunt Pat...

This is where the weekend went a little crazy.... Brian kept saying he didn't feel good and he popped Rolaids and Tums all weekend long. After church yesterday, he went to work and Mom, JJ, and I went to visit Grace and Holly. He called when we were leaving the hospital to say he was very sick and on his way to the convenient care clinic. We met him there and 3 1/2 hours later found out he had appendicitis. I took this picture of him after his CAT scan. He was very sick.

I knew he was sick when he didn't respond at my attempt at humor. I told him that we decided I would have to go in with him b/c JJ's pregnant and can't be exposed to the flu and Mom's elderly and at high risk so that just left me... and I'm just crazy and that doesn't put you at any risk. We laughed, but he didn't.
It took much longer to actually find out what was wrong with him than it did to fix it. Mark kept all the kids and was great about it, but he finally called me and told me I had to come home b/c they were out of diapers. It was a wild evening! And did I mention that Cooper got out a brand new gallon of milk and dropped it on the floor? I was on the phone and couldn't stop it... My kitchen quickly became a sea of milk. I think I'm going to put a lock on the refrigerator door to keep him out of it.
Whew! I think this post turned into a full transcript of the weekend, which wasn't supposed to happen, so I'll stop here and spare you the rest of the details.