I love three day weekends. We so need the extra day. This weekend was super busy so the extra day gave us the opportunity to work in our bedroom. Our new bedroom furniture was delivered on Friday and although I love it, it is much bigger than I remembered.
The kids played games on the computer in the bedroom while we worked and other than a few arguments over whose turn it was, they were great! By the way, we have decided this computer and desk are total eyesores to our room now. We are debating two options now: 1) Move the computer to the back corner of the living room, or 2) Buy a wireless keyboard/mouse and use the TV for the computer. More on that later.

This project was more work than I thought it would be... I hate cleaning out drawers and closets because I never know what to do with the stuff and it seems to just create more little piles everywhere.

Mark found these boxers in his drawer... I mean, seriously, who keeps boxers that look like this? They are St. Louis Cardinals boxers and that alone gives them sentimental meaning to Mark, but come on!!!

Our old TV is another eyesore in the room now and totally "ghettofies" the new furniture. That is a made up word so spell check is going crazy on me right now, but you get the idea... and the towel underneath makes it even worse. But we were moving everything and I didn't want any scratches before I got everything where I wanted it.
A new flat screen TV is now on our Christmas list. We fought the urge to run out and by one... mainly because we just had our driveway redone (not paved-- we live in the country, remember), bought this furniture, and still have to order the bed to complete the room.

Mom told me that I mislead everyone when I posted the picture of our new furniture because we didn't actually buy the bed at the time. We got everything else, but we couldn't agree on the bed.
Mark wants this one... which I do like, but the salesman encouraged us to wait to see the new floor sample when it comes in because the hardware is changing and we need to make sure it matches everything.

I like this one... I have wanted a leather headboard for a long time and I like the straight, clean lines. We are in agreement that we have to order one ASAP! Which one do you like?

I watched a "Supernanny" marathon this weekend so I am primed and ready to discipline my kids correctly now, which explains why this little guy is in the naughty corner below.

Not sure what he did exactly, but I'm sure it was hitting or pulling hair. I should just ask Kam because I know she could give me a play by play of the account!
I like the leather one...sorry Mark! I'm sure you guys are going to let me make the call! LOL!
I hate cleaning out drawers, too...I end up with piles to put up..and no where to put them, too!
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