Kamdyn had to go to time out yesterday when we got home for her sassy attitude (and she threw a pencil at me in the car). She was in there 3 minutes tops and when I went to get her out she said, "no thanks, I think I'll just think about what I've done!" Drama Queen!!!

Mark wanted a chicken pot pie so I began cooking (which is rare lately) and Cooper wanted to help. He's so into helping stir or pour lately.... I really have to watch him... he pours before it's time or into the wrong bowl. I walked into the kitchen and found him with this stool right up at the stove.

My oh-so picky son then ate boiled chicken like a mad man.. So YUCK!!! He wouldn't eat it in the pot pie or chicken enchiladas I made last week but ate it like this....

Then my even pickier daughter decided she liked it too. Notice the stuffed right cheek...

Are you kidding me? That really grosses me out! This coming from the person who will only eat chicken in a casserole to hide the taste!!
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