Saturday night, Shane, Deana, and the kids came over to watch the Hogs take on Georgia. It has literally been forever since we've gotten together with them and it was so good to visit and catch up. We spent many years before kids running around and hanging out together. Busy work schedules and kids prevented us from seeing each other as much as we would like!
Mark and Shane didn't budge much from those chairs during the game....

The burgers were ready about kickoff time and as you can see, Chase and Katelyn, were trying to get a better view of the TV...

Chase ended up moving to the living room . He's a serious football fan and didn't want to miss anything!

Kamdyn and Katelyn... Kam sticks out with no Razorback red on. We spent the afternoon at the "Mal's Pals" softball tournament and she still had on her shirt from there.

Cooper and Braxton playing in the curtains, which is a big no-no of Mark's because Cooper has almost pulled the rod out of the wall on numerous occassions.... and then he'd have to fix it!

So JJ tied the curtains up so they couldn't get to them, or so she thought. They ended up being tied up and tossed over the rod. I joked that they would probably still be that way the next time they all came over.

Chase brought his Razorback helmet and Cooper absolutely loved it! He will be getting one for Christmas or for Halloween if he decides to be a football player. Chase was a good sport about letting the boys play with it.

Braxton's turn to wear the helmet...

Give it to me! I told you my child is rough...

Braxton getting ready to jump off the ottoman. My kids taught him that last week when he spent the night with us. You're welcome, Bubby and JJ! By the way, notice that Cooper's finger is up his nose even with the helmet on!

Chase and Cooper... looks like they are having a serious discussion here.

Kam and Katelyn took a break from the game to play a little dress up... don't they look beautiful?

Chase's heisman pose... When we went back to look at these pics, he didn't like any of them, but I think you look great, Chase!! Byt he way, Chase will be 8 in a few weeks and is having a Razorback party, complete with a striped lawn to look like a field. How fun is that?

Although the game didn't turn out like we wanted, we still had a great time and hope to get together again soon!
On a side note, please join us in praying for Shane and Deana and his upcoming appointment with the autonomic specialist in Dallas on September 30. It's been a rough 6 months for them and we are praying specifically for a diagnosis for Shane. Thanks for your prayers!!
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