I've been sitting at my desk all afternoon trying to come up with a blog topic for today and I'm not having much luck. I did take these two pics of Kamdyn this morning before we left. Isn't she beautiful? I know I'm biased.

This weekend we were at McDonald's and Mark was teasing Cooper about being a baby. I think he called him a t-baby (I just can't type that word out here...I've tried to get Mark to stop saying it). All of a sudden Kam just starts in waving her hands, tilting her head the way she does saying, "Now, Mark, listen here. You shouldn't be saying that word. It's not nice. Ashton got in trouble when he said that at school so you shouldn't be saying it."

I just wish you could see and hear her when she does this. It is the funniest thing ever! We all just died laughing. I'm pretty sure she was repeating me word for word when she said this to Mark too, which always scares me! I am so serious when I say that she doesn't forget anything!
I just know she's going to be one of those girls that just rambles on and on while no one's listening... wonder where she gets that from?
Beautiful indeed!
I can hear her saying that in my head, she is hilarious!! There is nothing like a little girl's memory! and you are biased but true, she is gorgeous!
I forgot I was anonymous,the last post is Wendy!!
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