Yesterday when we went to Mae's, one of the teachers mentioned to me that Cooper was their best singer. Huh? I had never really heard Coop sing until this summer when he began singing some at VBS. But, according to all the teachers, he picks up on all the songs and totally gets into it during the morning. I'm going to hide and watch pretty soon so I can witness it myself. He will not sing on demand for us. Go figure!
So then when I picked the kids up at schoolyesterday afternoon, their teachers begin telling me that Cooper continues to hit Kam and she continues to be adament about not wanting to play with him. I guess he's crossing into her territory on the playground and she doesn't like it. Ms. K did tell me that two of Kam's friends have adopted Cooper and protect him from Kam, which I think is totally cute and sweet! When I asked Cooper why he hit Kam he said, "I just teasing, Mommy."
Now why would I post this pic of my kids riding in the car with their faces turned away from the camera? Because this is how some car rides go with my kids!!! It can be the most fun bonding time for the 3 of us or it can be 25 minutes of screaming at each other and bad moods all around. For instance....

Yesterday they studied the letter "L" and Cooper began naming a bunch of words that started with L. He finally got to "boat" and didn't like it when Kam and I tried to tell him boat didn't start with L. So he screams (and I'm not exaggerating!) all the way home, "Kam-man, you're a B!"
Now I had to laugh at this at first, because she was acting like a "B" if you get my drift. This went on all the way home. Fast forward to this morning and the same thing starts all over again. Kam was in one of those "handle with care" moods that she occassionally gets in. Then she tells me for the second time this morning, "I must go. I don't want to be in this family anymore!" Now you tell me where a 4 year old learns that....
Finally, I heard Kam tell Cooper, "Now you listen to me. If you don't stop that screaming, I'm going to pull over and throw you out the window!" That started some more screaming from Cooper. When I tried to tell him she was teasing, she would pipe back in with "no, I'm not." This went on for what seemed like the longest car ride ever to school! I can't believe the things they argue about.
Once we were there, Kam was still crabby and was whining when I left. When I got to work, I told the girls that I would never make it with Kam once she got hormones... I'm serious. I'm not sure Mark and I will survive. I'm hoping that today was better.
I'm sure by now that my hubby is rolling his eyes at my rant. He thinks that I tend to go off on tangents on this blog sometimes and I'm sure he's right. Just know that our lives aren't always funny and sometimes I need to vent and just keep it real!!!!!
1 comment:
ROFL!!! Awesome!
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