Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You can call me ABR...

I don't know what it is about Kamdyn and her name. From day one, she has had a variety of nicknames: "the Punkin," "Kami-flage," "Kamisole," Kambo," Kami," Kam," and "Sissy" to name a few. I swore I would never call my child "Sissy" but it just comes out of my mouth without thinking. Lately, Kamdyn has made it clear that her name is Kamdyn -- nothing else. Cooper calls her "Sissy" and it drives her crazy. I just about fell out the first time she corrected me by saying "actually, my name is Kamdyn." As if I didn't know...

At church on Sunday, Bro. Robert gave her a high five on the way out the door and said "hey, Kambo!" Next thing I know, Kamdyn is walking away muttering emphatically under her breath "my name is Kamdyn...just Kamdyn!" Thank goodness he didn't hear her!!

A few weeks ago when I was putting Kam to bed I said "goodnight, Sissy." She replied, "my name's not Sissy" to which I responded "what is your name then?" She said "you can call me ABR." We have no idea what ABR stands for but she will answer to it!

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