Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Coop's End of Year Book

Another reason I love Mrs. Mae's is because at the end of the year we are given a book (or two) of the kids special drawings, paintings, poems, and a synopsis of each week written by their teacher.  
I cannot tell you how much I look forward to and enjoy sitting down to read these books.  Cooper's cracked me up this year....
I'm not sure where Cooper learned about "buffalo beer" but I was quite embarrassed after reading that entry.  I promise he didn't learn that at home!
I also enjoyed reading about he and Alexis arguing over whose daddy was older.  Cooper said Mark was 17...uh, yeah, about 20 years ago!!!  

These books always bring a tear to my eye (and Mark's too!) and this year was no different.  I lost it when I saw his little hand print and read the poem about remembering him when he was 4!!  As I read the entries about Cooper loving pancakes and his teacher loving his laugh, I was so grateful for Mrs. Kristi and how much she knows and loves Cooper.  I couldn't ask for better!

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