Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bounce House and Horses...

I'm trying to catch up on some of my blogging... mainly so I can record our summer because I drink too many diet cokes to be able to remember it all!

We recently had a family fun night at church where the kids got to ride horses and play in a bounce house and obstacle course. Kamdyn refused to ride the horses and Cooper wouldn't even go near the gym with the bounce house.

His fear of inflatables begain about 3 months ago at Kamryn's birthday party. Cant' remember if I posted those pics or not...We walked in the party place and the first thing we saw was a HUGE inflatable dinosaur on top of one of the bounce houses. It was over then! Cooper spent the entire party hiding in the party room under the table.

About a month later, we went to another birthday party at a different jump place and it was pretty much the same thing. I had to stand outside with him while he played with those stupid gumball/sticker/tattoo machines the whole time. So it occurred to me when we were pulling in the parking lot at church that this might not go over too well and I was right. Mark had to actually walk him outside and around the gym (rather than through the gym w/the bounceys) to get to the horses.

Pretty girl Hannah volunteered to ride with him. We weren't sure he'd stay on by himself.
She wasn't going to let him fall.
That is a grin you see on his face!
He loved the horseback rides and did not want to get off.Braxton, on the other hand, wasn't as keen on the horses. That's Cecilia riding with him...
I did what I do best at these things... I stood and talked while Kam jumped. I'm sure I see her standing in line somewhere there! We had family movie night last night. My kids only lasted about 45 minutes through it before they got restless. Cooper had eaten 4-5 cinnamon sticks for dinner from the Pizza Shack right before we went so I'm really not surprised he couldn't sit still! We left early (after swiping a cookie for Kam...otherwise, she wasn't going to let me leave) and went home to play outside and burn off some of the sugar before bedtime!

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