Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Night Football Fun

It's Friday and that means football in our family. I'm just now posting these pics from last week's home opener at Magnet. There won't be much humor to this post, but I want to be able to look back one day and remember Friday night football, because it's such a big part of our lives.

This is part of the Efird crew. We have joked many times that we need our own section in the would think with connections to the AD/Head Coach and Assistant Coach, that might happen. LOL!Another joke is that if Uncle Ronnie and Brian are still coaching, they should be able to field a good team with just our family! I'll never forget when Cooper was born (remember he was huge!) and Uncle Ronnie told me he was going to have to pick up Cooper every morning and take him to MC to play football when it was time.

Brian doing his thing... whatever that is. Looks like he's praying in this pic, which could very well be true! Cooper looked up at him one time and said, "Bubby's wearing an orange skirt!"
Most of the fun for Cooper and Kam is the concession stand... Cooper just goes around drinking everyone's drinks.
Mark and Scott were making fun of me for taking pictures. This is what Mark gets for it... an unflattering pose posted on our blog for all to see!
Is Braxton really yawning? And I think he needs a football to play with rather than a baseball....although Cooper asks me every Friday morning if we can go to the baseball game that night.
Thanks to Brooke for sharing the dinosaurs. No surprise, Cooper wanted to put them on Brax's head.
Kam spent most of her time sitting further down from me. She loves Scott and you will usually find her wherever he is. Poor guy... I can't keep my kids off of him, but he's a good sport about it.
Mamaw and Papaw..... they always sit at the top of the bleachers because it's easiest for Papaw. I'm sure sometimes they look down at us and think "Is our family really acting like that?"
Cooper ran to Brian for a hug afterwards....
The pregnant girls... Brooke (due Dec. 18), Jamie (due Dec. 27), and Holly (was due 10/7, but delivered Grace yesterday!). Mom always makes us do the pregnant pictures. I'm not sure any of us were ever pregnant alone.
Brian and Braxton...
The kids always have to get on the field afterwards and run around. Then they all play in the ice after the jugs are emptied.
After this my kids usually end up crying and throwing fits because they don't want to leave and go home, which makes for a great ride home. Gotta love Friday night football!


Mitzi said...

Cute pictures!
Who would have ever thought so many "lions" would be wearing orange?! LOL!
I just love that you all go! :)

harris1013 said...