Tuesday, September 29, 2009

When Kam's Away.....

When Kam's away.... it's QUIET!!!!

Mike, Jodie, and the girls came down for the game on Friday night (pics are on JJ's camera) and, of course, Kam and Kamryn had to spend the night with each other. They wouldn't let Jodie and I finish a conversation until we agreed to it.

Aunt Donna came and got them Saturday morning and took them to see Kenzie cheer. They stopped back by later in the afternoon long enough to talk me and Mark into letting Kam go to LR with them for the night. Although I missed Kam, it gave me some one on one time with Cooper, which is something that I don't always get with each kid.

I'm working on a few projects for people, so Cooper helped me paint. His favorite color is orange, as you can see from his art below.
One thing I learned this weekend is that Cooper is a climbing fool and can get anything from anywhere. I usually put my cokes where he can't reach them, or so I thought.... I think the top of the refrigerator is probably the only place he can't get to now... and trust me, he tried!!!Although Cooper missed Kam too, I think he enjoyed our bonding time as much as Mark and I did. Kam came home early Sunday morning. I'm not exaggerating when I say that she was in the house for less than one minute before she started screaming and crying. We definitely know where the drama in our house comes from...

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