Thursday, September 3, 2009


I got a lot of comments on my last post where I ranted and raved about my kids driving me crazy in the car the last two days. Guess I worried for nothing! Keep the comments coming. It's nice to know that someone is actually reading this. Now on to Sybil....

I've always called Kamdyn "Sybil" because we never know what personality she's going to wake up with each day. For those of you who have never heard of Sybil (JJ!).... it was a movie in the 70's about a girl who had about 16 different personalities. Thus, the reason I call her that. Sybil comes and goes with Kam. I've about decided that I need to start tracking it!!! It's a huge joke in our family. A while back, Kam was in one of her moods and my brother leaned over and said, "Sybil's been resurrected."

I came across this short clip of Kam today and it reminded me of that... and I think it also confirms what I was saying about her getting mad and laying down at every pool and lake we went to this summer. Oh, how I love Sybil!!!


cd said...


Mitzi said...

Seriously, JJs never seen Sybil?! WHAT??