Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekend Rewind

Ugh!  I really don't like Monday's.  They are usually a struggle for me and the kids after busy weekends.  This weekend was no different.  Kam went to Little Rock with Donna, Kenzie, and Avery for a "girls night out" sleepover at Kylie and Kamryn's.  Mimi and Pop took Cooper to Larry's with Braxton so Mark and I could have dinner with Shane and Deana.  It was so nice to visit!  I'm pretty sure we almost closed the restaurant down and Mom was seriously wondering where we were when we came to get Coop later on.  

Mark played in a church golf tournament on Saturday and I took Cooper to a birthday party that morning.  Here are some of his friends from school. The boys are seriously outnumbered!!  One of the mom's told me that if she could pick a boy for her daughter, it would be Cooper.  I took that as a serious compliment!  You have to look for Cooper in the picture...he's at the top right behind the bars.  He was more interested in playing than posing! 
MC's mom posted these pics from the party.  Cooper loves pinata's but they make me so nervous.....something about him swinging a bat wildly with little ones around....but he did great!  
I so enjoyed spending the day one-on-one with my little man.  It's nice to devote a day individually to each child now and then.  We played with all his new toys and games and had a really great time!  He is growing up so fast and I am trying to soak up every little moment that I can!

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