Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

We had a fantastic Easter weekend celebrating the Resurrection!  I love this time of year.....the green grass and blooming flowers just shout new life to me.....what an awesome reminder of God's beautiful creation and the hope we have in Him!

The kids ready to dye some eggs....
Now I know why I'm more comfortable behind the camera..... do I look like I've been to a soccer game, softball practice, lunch and light shopping in HS, done five loads of laundry (and put it up!), cooked dinner, cleaned it up, etc.????
Although we never actually hide the real eggs, my kiddos love to dye them and I enjoy it as well...
However, I bought a tie-dye kit and it was a little more labor intensive than normal.  Mark had to figure it out for us and I think it took about 45 minutes to do just four eggs....
Cooper eventually gave up and decided to watch "The Ten Commandments" with Mark instead.  Kam and I ended up doing our own version of tie-dye towards the end.  I think they turned out pretty good though!
The Easter Bunny left a few goodies for the kids....
Kam was ecstatic with her new hula-hoop and she is hilarious with it! 
Cooper loved his new shark zord and told all his buddies at church about the Easter Bunny bringing it to him...
The Easter Bunny also left eggs in the yard for the kids and they couldn't wait to get outside to gather them up!
We decided that Kam looked like an "Erma" with her bathrobe and sponge rollers!  For some reason, she also started calling Cooper "Harold" that morning and it's kind of stuck! 
I made cinnamon rolls in the shape of bunnies but didn't get a picture of them.  It was a mad dash to get to church on time for services.  The kids choir sang and the music was awesome!  We had no Children's Church so the kids stayed with us in "big church."  Let's just say it was a challenge to keep Cooper quiet for a while! 

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