Wednesday, June 17, 2009

At My Wit's End...

Note: I drafted this post over a week ago thinking that I would post it when I could download the picture of my cut and black eye to go with it. I've been off work, we've been on vacation, and my camera is broke now (another story for another post!) so I'm posting this anyway.

As I was putting my makeup on and trying to conceal the place where Cooper stabbed me with a pen and then the black eye he gave me Friday night, I realized I am at my wit's end with his hitting. Really. I don't know what to do about it now. It's more than a blood sugar problem...

Friday night we were laying on the couch watching "High School Musical" with the lights out. Next thing I know I've been clocked in the eye with a car and I've got blood running down my face. I was so stunned and it hurt so, yes, I did cry. In fact, I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Mark comes out of the bathroom just in time to see the blood running down my face and he thinks it's coming from my eye. I couldn't talk for a few seconds to even tell him what happened. Did he do it on purpose? I don't know. I just know that I ended up with a small cut and a black eye. Never thought I'd get a black eye from my 2-year old!

Advice, anyone? Everyone says it's just a "boy thing" but I think it's more than that. I know it's a problem when he picks up any object, raises his arm, and Kam starts running and flinching for fear she's going to get hit. We just never know. We've tried timeout, taking his favorite toys away, spanking, etc. What next?

By the way, he is still as sweet and lovable as ever when he's not on one of his hitting sprees. That hasn't changed!

Another note: Cooper was so much better with the hitting while we were on vacation! Thank you, Lord!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope I am one of your five faithful followers.