Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Through the Eyes of a Child

I've noticed lately that Kamdyn talks about Jesus a lot. It doesn't take much to prompt her. Twice this last week, she began talking about Jesus while sitting in Mom's lap and playing with her necklace. The first time was a cross necklace so that was easy... the second time Mom had on a big circle necklace that looked like a flat shell or, in Kam's eyes, the stone that laid in front of Jesus' tomb. Over dinner at Landry's she told Mom, in detail, the story of Jesus dying on the cross and the stone being rolled away. I think Mom was a little blown away by the details that she knew.

She also will occasionally pick up her little NT Bible she got at AWANA and launch into a story about Jesus going up into the clouds and Troy and Graviola (Gabriela from High School Musical) ... it's pretty funny how she mixes the two.

Mark and I have talked about how she seems to be spiritually sensitive which makes me happy thinking about it. I hope she will have a relationship with Jesus one day.

It's as easy as A-B-C:

A - Admit you are a sinner.
B- Believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for your sins.
C- Confess and call upon Him to be your Savior.

My prayer is that you too have this relationship with Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

Sherri Smith said...

How sweet! Isn't it a blessing to know that you are raising your kids to love the Lord. It is definitely something special to hear your kids talk about Jesus. "The faith of a child" is an amazing thing.

PS. Love the background! :)