Thursday, June 4, 2009

Take a ride in my car

Riding in the car with the kids is always an adventure. I always tell Mark that he has no idea what I put up with every day taking the kids to and from school. He always rolls his eyes in that "yeah, yeah, whatever" kind of way.

So last weekend we made several trips to Hot Springs for dinner and Magic Springs. This is how a typical car ride goes:

Kam: "Mommy, will you turn the music on?"

So I turn the music on.

Cooper: "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Turn it off! No music!!! Mommy!!!!!!" Repeat 3x. (Note: this is done in an extremely loud screaming voice because Cooper has no concept of an "inside voice" these days).

So I turn it off.

Kam: "But, Mommy, I wanna hear "I Believe." Please, please, turn the music on. Cooper, I wanna hear the music!! Now turn it back on, Mommy." Repeat 3x. (Note: this is done in an extremely whiney voice that eventually turns into a cry).

So the kids were having one of these conversations on Friday night about the DVD's in the car. One wanted to watch "Cars" and the other wanted to watch "The Little Mermaid." I could see the look on Mark's face and I thought to myself, "he now knows what I'm talking about."

So I look over at him and I say, "you have a whole new appreciation for what I go through in the car with them every day now, don't you?" And he just smiles and says, "you know, I do. I was just thinking that." It was music to my ears! My point was made! Victory!!!

Yesterday was another one of those days. As I was turning to get on interstate, Cooper started screaming, "no, that way!" while he pointed the other direction. Obviously, he didn't like the direction I was going. He threw a full-fledged true tantrum as evidenced by the pictures below:
He screamed for a solid 5 minutes at least. It was pretty hysterical, except for mine and Kam's ears were ringing. I'm serious when I say the boy has no concept of inside voice right now. Both his sitter and Sunday School teacher have told me that recently.
And I made the tantrum even worse by getting my camera out. (Yes, I was taking pics as I was driving down the interstate. Mark, keep your comments to yourself.) Then he started screaming "no pictures!" which made me feel bad, but didn't stop me from snapping away!
I turned the music up to drown it out and I think he didn't like that either. I'm not sure what ended the tantrum finally, but it was over just as quickly as it started. It was just another day... we made it home and he quickly threw another fit with Mark because he didn't want to go inside to eat. About 1/2 an hour later, Mark told me he thought he needed to go get on the lawnmower to "clear his head" after all the fits. Give me a break!!! :)

1 comment:

Sherri Smith said...

In my next life I'll do all the mower riding and Marty will do all the inside chores! ;)