Saturday, April 25, 2009

Birthday Cookout

See this sweet face? Just a few days ago I told Mark that I was so in love with this little boy lately... he does and says the sweetest, cutest things...that all changed last night. We grilled steaks for Brian's birthday. The kids drove their little truck over to their house. Cooper poured water out and made a mud puddle and then proceeded to take all his clothes off....

Then he decided to check under the hood of Kam's truck. Can you say white trash?
Braxton and Cooper in the truck... they were having so much fun that food was the last thing on their mind.
Cooper can go all day long without eating because he eats such a large breakfast (it is the most important meal of the day!)... but then he's ready to eat dinner when we get home. So we finally get inside and Cooper just goes wild... it started out with him shoving our neighbor, Mackenzie. Then he picked up a mailbox toy and threw it at Kamdyn... then he took the little bat and wacked Braxton in the head... then he threw a football at Sophie, the dog... I could go on and on. There wasn't a little person left standing who hadn't been hit or thrown at by him. I took him in the other room and spanked him numerous times.... it didn't work.

After he hit Braxton with the bat, I just grabbed him and we went home. I was so embarrassed. He screamed the whole walk home and then 10 minutes after we were inside. Finally, I got him to eat a hot dog (two actually) and some carrots and then he was as happy as could be. Low blood sugar is not becoming to him!!! We changed our clothes and he was asleep before Mark and Kam even made it home.... but I don't think I can even look our neighbors in the eye right now after his behavior.

This is Bubby holding the picture that Kam drew him for his birthday. Notice that she wrote his name on it... we are making progress!!!!!
NAME UPDATE: She told me the other day that she wanted her name to be "Kam" now... I think that was so she didn't have to write her whole name out. But she has since gone back to Kamdyn..."just Kamdyn."

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