Thursday, February 4, 2010

Testing the Limits

Cooper, Cooper, Cooper.... oh, my sweet little Cooper is really testing the waters these days!!! It's been one of those weeks with him. He has been coughing so I don't think that he feels 100% so maybe that has something to do with it. I can only hope this is not a behavior pattern that sticks...

Yesterday was church day so that's a longer day for us. We had some time to kill before dinner at church so we went into Stage to look around. Kam likes to look for clothes now, although she was very against going in last night. Cooper ran all over the place. Every time I would move towards him to grab him, he would take off running. I told Mark that I refused to chase him around the store looking like an idiot! And, I probably couldn't have caught him in my heels anyway! So he got a "talking to" about running away from me and someone grabbing him when we got to the car.
Then on to church for dinner.... he cried when we got in before I could get his plate. We had another talk. Then he wouldn't sit or be quiet in class. I took him out twice for yet another "talk." I had told him we would leave if he misbehaved but Saundra and I were the only ones there with 7 preschoolers so that was not an option.

Maybe it was the combination of the whole evening, but I had had it! I called Mark on the way home and told him to be waiting for us. I was tired of talking! We took Cooper to another room because Kamdyn is so nosey these days and tries to get him into trouble. She was pushing for him to get a spanking. I had a flashback to childhood of me laughing when Brian got a spanking one time (or several times I'm sure Brian would say). He still brings that up.

So with the door shut Mark and I talk to Cooper about his behavior not being acceptable, etc. Then Mark asks him, "did you run away from Mommy in the store?" and we hear Kam shout from outside the door, "yes, he did, Daddy. Mommy said he was getting a spanking for that." Mark seriously lost his focus on Cooper and just ducked his head to laugh.... we couldn't help it, which was probably to Cooper's advantage. Kam shouted the answers to a few more of Mark's questions for Coop before she finally got the message to mind her own business or she would be next!!And on another note, isn't Cooper just like my Dad? We've always thought he looked like my Dad, but he acts like him too! Cooper does nothing fast (sound familiar, Mom?). It takes him F-O-R-E-V-E-R to eat! Usually, when we are all done at a restaurant and ready to go, he will start eating.

He talks slow, but he has the cutest country accent and he substitutes "W" for several of his letters. It really cracks me up! A while back he told me at bedtime that he needed to "pway for Wicky because he wad a weck!" Mark has been calling him"Old Man River" and "Big Country" lately. It's definitely been a challenging few days with him but I wouldn't change a thing about him! There really is something special about Mommies and their little boys. And we all know that Cooper is a "Momma's boy!"

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Of all the nights for me to miss!! Saundra told me everything was chaos, sorry!! Bo is feeling much better now though. I told her you two can have the night off next week!!lol