Friday, February 26, 2010

A Little This and That

I got an email from my mom today telling me that she kept checking my blog for new pictures and she hadn't seen any yet. Yeah, yeah... It's been one of those weeks. I've been busy at the office and just haven't found the time to blog this week.

Remember this?
This is the bed that didn't get ordered when I got my bedroom furniture in September. Mark finally ordered it for me (he said it was my Valentine's gift) and it came in this week. Although it is MASSIVE, I love it! The kids love it too and I have joked that the extra height will make it harder for them to crawl into bed with me at night. I actually nearly fell the first morning I got up because of the height difference.

We've had a lot going on with the family the last week and I think it's been a good reminder to all of us to trust that God is in control... and for me personally, I've been reminded to count my blessings and not take them for granted!

Yesterday, Mom picked up Braxton and Campbell and came by our house while waiting on Brian to get home. When they pulled up Kam said, "I'll help Mimi get the kids out of the car." Like she really could! I still have to unbuckle her car seat every day.

We wanted to keep the kids in the car since Brian was almost there so Cooper and Kam climbed into Mimi's car. Cooper and Kam love Campbell. Kam crawled in to peek at her and I heard her say, "hi, baby girl." So cute! I think Cooper was playing "I'm gonna get you" with her here....
Cooper and Braxton began yanking Campbell's blanket back and forth over her seat and I was afraid they were going to smother her. When I opened the door to stop them, Campbell was smiling and her little eyes were darting back and forth at them. She is starting to smile and it is precious.

Speaking of Braxton and Cooper, I missed a prime photo op earlier this week. The boys found the bicycle helmets that Mom got Kam and Coop and put them on and would NOT take them off. Cooper had Lightning McQueen on and Brax wore a pink Hello Kitty helmet proud. He cried every time we tried to take it off of him. I will not even repeat what Mark and Brian were saying about them because you all would think we were terrible (but you would laugh, I promise!).

Today was "Crazy Cap" day for Cooper's class. What do you think?
It was "Silly Sock" day for Kamdyn but I have no picks of her feet.

Before I forget.... I registered Cooper for tee ball yesterday. He cried when we left because he didn't get to play ball. I tried to tell him on the way there that we were just signing up but apparently I didn't do a good enough job. He was upset.

We tried to talk Kam into playing this year but she says she just wants "to cheer." I think Mark was a little disappointed. She's a leftie and I think he had high hopes for her this year. Maybe softball will interest her in a few years. Right now, she wants to play soccer and cheer. We'll see...

Wasn't this the most random post ever???? TGIF!!!!

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

Oh I so wish you would have gotten a photo of Brian's son in a pink helmet! LOL! And for some reason, I think I can imagine what Brian was saying! But I know they were cute and having fun -- Brax and Cooper, not Brian and Mark! HA!