Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bismarck Homecoming 2010 - Part 1

As I mentioned earlier, Kamdyn was chosen to be the homecoming princess this year at Bismarck.  When I told her she was chosen she gasped and had that ahhhh! look on her face before saying, "what's that?"  Once she figured out that she was a princess and there was  a prince, she was very excited about it (I honestly think I was more excited--what can I say?  I'm a proud mommy)!

Her hairdresser was doing one of the senior maid's hair also and they were gracious enough to just let us come to their house to get her hair done there.  Saved me a lot of time driving and little did I know how much I would need the extra time! 
At this point, Kam was having a good time with the girls--just talking and laughing about anything and everything in that non-stop way that is Kamdyn.  I can't say enough how sweet the girls were to her.  They even gave her a "future BHS cheerleader" shirt.  Kamdyn was having the best time talking to them and playing with Annabelle, the puppy, whom she fell in love with!
Things were still going well at this point....
And then Sybil was unleashed!!!  It all started when Lindsey began putting Kam's hair up on her head.  She asked Lindsey a hundred questions about it before she even got started.  Kam is so particular about her hair now and I can't tell you how many mornings she and I have come to blows over her hair.  I tried to prepare her before we went by telling her that she had to wear a crown and that more than likely her hair would have to be up.  She seemed ok with that then...
At first, she started crying.  The girls quickly reassured her how pretty her hair looked, etc. but that didn't help at all.  Before I knew it, she went ballistic...and I am not exaggerating!  She was shouting at me that it was all my fault (which seems to be a theme lately) and that Lindsey was making her hair "look awful!"  She kept swiping at her hair and I know Lindsey had to start over several times.  The more we tried to reassure her, the more upset she became!

Now had we been somewhere where I could have taken her out and spanked her, I would have!  I was beyond mortified and honestly didn't know what to do.  She threw a fit unlike I have ever witnessed...she even took a swing at me when I leaned down in her face to try to calm her down. 

Lindsey was great and did the best she could with Kam acting the fool that she was.  I think the girls were a little surprised and the other mom was very understanding.  I think she felt bad for me!  We left and headed home to finish getting dressed before leaving for pictures.  We only live about 5-6 miles from there and I can assure you that I let Kamdyn have it the entire way home!  Then we had  a "come to Jesus" meeting once we got home and she calmed down eventually!  She was very apologetic later and then acted like her hair was the greatest!  Of course!! 

I have to remind myself that she's only five and that she doesn't see these things the way I do. I also thought dress shopping would be fun, but trying on 15 "poofy" dresses with a five year old is not all it's cracked up to be!

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