Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Efird Halloween Hayride 2010

We had our annual Efird Halloween hayride and weenie roast last Saturday.  I look forward to it every year!  I know I talk about Cooper being rough a lot and maybe these pics will explain why I don't let him out of my sight often when other kids are around!
See a pattern?  Although they were playing football, he still made me nervous!
This is Avery dressed as Velma from Scooby Doo.  I laughed every time I looked at her Saturday night.  
Kam insisted on being Supergirl this year, which wasn't my choice, but there was no changing her mind.  I begged her to let me pull her hair up but it wasn't happening.
We weren't very original with our costumes this year.  Cooper insisted on being a baseball player because Braxton was.  I kept trying to talk him into something else and finally he said very emphatically, "I told you I wanted to be a baseball player!" So a baseball player he is!
Uncle Ronnie wearing Fred's wig....someone needs to send this to the yearbook staff!
An attempt at a group picture (minus Aidan)....
Of course, Kam and Kamryn spent every minute together.  By the time Kam made it to the party Saturday night, she was so tired and crabby. 
Cooper with his very dirty white baseball pants!  Mark insisted that he be a St. Louis Cardinal.... my pic was Cubs or Rangers!
We took our usual hayride but waited until dark this year to do so, which might not have been a good idea.  Canon had a run-in with a barb-wire fence!  Madison and AJ jumped out of the woods to try to scare the kids but I think the kids were onto them.... We ended the night with lots of treats!!  Good times!

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