Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow 2011

Mark and Mom have been after me for two weeks now to post our snow pictures.    There are a ton of them so get ready...

We enjoyed the snow immensely and I'm so glad the kids got to experience a really good snow.  It was a first for both of them and,  as you know, we don't get many snows like that in Arkansas!
The snow began on Sunday while we were in church.  We could see huge flakes falling out the windows and everyone was anxious to get out in it.  By the time we made it home from lunch, it was really beginning to stick and accumulate.  Kam asked us at least a hundred times when she could go sledding.  

Mark bought the kids sleds the day before and I told him that he was going to jinx us on the snow when he bought them.  I told him that he wasn't going to buy them and Cooper threw his arm around Mark's leg and he said, "I wuv you, daddy!"  The manager was standing there listening to our exchange and he looked at me and said, "now isn't that worth $15?"  In the end, I'm so glad Mark bought the sleds because they were perfect and the kids could not have had more fun with them!
Unfortunately, Cooper was sick with the stomach virus when the snow began so he wasn't able to go out the first day.
Our neighbors came over to sled and I tried to prop him up at the window to watch but he could have cared less.    As you can see, the snow was coming down in huge flakes and the girls were covered in it from head to toe! 
I begged Kam to wear a hat and pull her hair out of her face, but she wouldn't hear of it.... imagine that!
Cooper felt better on Monday morning and woke up ready to play in the snow...
I have complained about our "slopey" yard from day one but it was the PERFECT place for sledding!  The kids named the two slopes "Rocket Run" and "Black Diamond."

Cooper and I ready for "Rocket Run"....
At some point, we finally let Campbell down in the snow.  Bless her heart...that's all she wanted was to be in the snow!  She loved sledding too, by the way!
 Mark playing in the road...there was no traffic on this day so we had nothing to worry about.  The kids would sled right up to the road.
Mark actually got up and tried to go to work this day but I pretty much threw a fit about it (I had to remind him about the last time it snowed and I stayed in a cold apartment for 3 days by myself while he was stranded in Malvern--that was before kids!) and he stayed home.  He ended up working quite a bit from home that day anyway but still had plenty of time to play with the kids.

Kam carrying her sled back up the hill.... the kids weren't too keen on that part of it!
Cooper and Braxton...
Mark and Cooper getting a little more adventurous...
Cooper after his landing....
 The boys...
Cooper working hard to make it back up the hill....
Jamie's sister, April, was there and the kids had a blast with her.  She's younger and has more energy so I was really glad to have her around!!! 
Cooper and Brax.... Cooper was a little hesitant at first but he had no fear after his first ride down the hill.
Landing is so fun....
Kam and Mark... there really is a sled underneath him somewhere!
On Tuesday, the sun came out and we did sled for a little while but it wasn't as much fun as the first day.  There was more traffic that day as well so we had to be a little more cautious about the kids and the road.
This might be a cute picture if you couldn't see my big shadow!
A few observations about the snow...

First and foremost, if it did this very often we would have to invest in some snow gear!  The kids made it fine for the most part but their feet and hands were almost impossible to keep completely dry.  Kam did great for an hour or two and then she would begin screaming uncontrollably until we got her in and stripped down to warm up.  Such a drama queen!  We did this several times a day each day with her and my dryer got a very good workout. 

I love the snow but could not live like this all winter long.  My former boss lives in Wisconsin and this is an everyday occurrence for them this time of year.  Not for me!!  As I said earlier, we thoroughly enjoyed playing and eating all day and had a great time hanging with the family for a few days though. 

Having said all that.... I really could use a snow day soon (I just want one day at home to veg--no accumulation!) and there is another chance of snow this week and next!!!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

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